Due to time constraints my progress is slow but I am moving forward. At this point I have the crossmember completed. I made it using cold formed 1/8” x 1-1/4” angle and 1/8” plate for the ends. The whole assembly is very sturdy. Next is to cut the hole. I plan on laying out the hole from the underside and then drilling some pilot holes. From there, I can make the cuts from above.
Looks great., Steve I did almost the same except I used 3/6" thick 2" aluminum T-angle and the battery sits directly on the crossmember. For those curious, the crossmember length will vary a bit for every Pantera but there's no advantage to making it adjustable. Once in place it will never be fiddled with again. I see you have the late factory(?) bump-steer shims on your rack, too. Good idea!
So the two bolts in the back of the tray run into the cockpit footwells?
Are you going to weld the cross member to the frame?
Looks good so far!
The battery tray is bolted through the firewall with 4 3/8” bolts and large backing fender washers. The bottom 2 bolts go all the way through the rectangle frame crossmember at the bottom of the firewall. The battery tray crossmember is bolted through the inner fender structure just like the steering rack support with 4 8mm bolts. The whole thing is supper strong and rigid. I think you could Jack the whole car up with it. It’s hard to get a good angle to take pictures with the car only on Jack stands.
Thanks for the pictures. Looks like great fabrication work, and really solid mounting!