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I have the car up on a Quick Jack.  On each end of the car I also have a 3 ton jack stand.  The Quick Jack is lowered onto its stops. There is weight on the Quick Jack pads as well as the jack stands.  When I shove the car back and forth, it seems stable.

Do you think it is safe to work under this car?   I will be disassembling its motor mounts for inspection.  

Thank you for your input.


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Last edited by stevebuchanan
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Hi Steve,

My car spends most of its time on Quick Jacks.  I have it positioned a little further inward and rearward. 

Your setup is probably more stable with the jacks further apart to create a stronger base, less top heavy.  I only use 1 set of spacers on the QJ, seems things can get a little wobbly if you use 2 sets.

It's a bit scary the first few times you are under it but as long as you are doing a precheck to make sure the car doesn't move you should be good. 

Definitely agree with the safety jacks and something under tires.


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Just for information, I have a QuickJack, but I went with the BL-5000EXT, Version A, which is longer then the smaller QuickJacks and it makes for a very stable lift. It barely fits between the wheels but it is awesome.  I also bought a 2"x4"x1/4" Metal rectangular tub that I run from one QuickJack to the Other and place the rubber mounts directly under the engine mounts for the rear lift.  I too was a little worried to get under the car, but now I don't worry only my wife worries.  Larry

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