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Update: As of today, I reached the goal of 40 Panteras signed-up to attend! However, at least one car is a 'maybe' due to repairs underway. Also, the corral has parking for 41 cars plus one more spot that I refer to as the "pedestal", a service ramp and a pretty nice place to park. So, without stacking cars (something I prefer not to do), we can actually accommodate 42 cars inside the corral.

If you haven't contacted me yet and want to join the dedicated Pantera parking area, I can put you on the standby list. I may get one or two no-shows but also some last minute show-ups. As I already mentioned, should the corral be filled with 42 Panteras, others can simply park in the main display lot so long as they arrive early enough to ensure parking.

Beverly Hall of Hall Pantera was kind enough to provide placards to place on your dash to indicate the specs of your Pantera, a nice touch. As for me, Purgold (now Purr oro) will be making her debut on March 5. Can't wait to see everyone's Pantera and meet all the new faces. Time to start detailing your cars.

Steve VamVaketis
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