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I got the Pantera back on Friday, lowered the front end last night, and took it to the office today so it would get a solid test drive. Everything seems to be working great. It looks frickin' awesome. I think the color is obnoxious in the most wonderful way. I think I might lower the rear a tad.

I didn't put this in the "photos" section since it is really meant to be an update. Sorry for the crappy cell pics. Good photos coming soon.

- Robert
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Thanks for all the positive feedback. I knew the Pantera family would be my toughest critics if I took this car in the wrong direction. Now I am struggling with graphics. So far I haven't found a solution that doesn't cheapen the look of the car.

@ DeMopuar: Not sure what you mean by "what do you have in your car". The windows are tinted, including light tint on the windshield. It gets HOT here and I think the tint helps.

- Robert
Originally posted by Mark Charlton:
Robert, the car looks f'n AWESOME! Even in orange Wink! Ride height looks perfect and now all is right with the world. Enjoy! (and update your avatar)


Mark - What are you thinking! Although his car does look hotter, his avatar looks hotter still. He just needs to get a new set of shots of the new paint job with the bikini babes. Smiler


Hmm, now that I think about it, what does he mean when he says "it gets HOT in there and the tint helps."..???
A supercar is supposed to destroy the forest and kill all the whales

I disagree, I believe the Pantera is one of the most animal friendly cars out there - The bl@@dy roar of the engine gives gentle woodland creatures ample warning to get off the road, while these silent electric cars tend to sneak up on unsuspecting animals and dispatch them with nothing more than a quiet whirrr that barely crescendos to mark the last fractions of a second they have on earth.

The above holds true for pedestrians too!

As for trees, how many of them are destroyed when we flood a valley for a hydro-electric dam?

vs. electric cars, I believe the Pantera is whale-neutral, but I'll have to think about it a bit.

Robert, the car looks awesome, I don't envy your challenge of trying to add graphics without detracting from the look, I'm confident you'll succeed, just take your time and keep looking at examples on the web and whoever is going to create the vinyl decals for you should have a scrapbook of examples to help you decide.
Originally posted by #5754:
I believe the Pantera is whale-neutral, but I'll have to think about it a bit.

Car emissions cause global warming. Global warming is causing the oceans to become more acidic. Acidic oceans could potentially harm whales or their food source?

That is why I tell people it runs on recycled vegetable oil. :-)

- Robert
Originally posted by duz185:

Mark - What are you thinking! Although his car does look hotter, his avatar looks hotter still. He just needs to get a new set of shots of the new paint job with the bikini babes. Smiler


Hmm, now that I think about it, what does he mean when he says "it gets HOT in there and the tint helps."..???

William, I'm just bored of the same babe in front of that old refrigerator and think it's time for Robert to change it up. Wink

And as for that dark window tint, I'm not really sure I WANT to know what he's doing in there that nobody can see. Big Grin

... emissions cause global warming. Global warming is causing the oceans to become more acidic...

Thanks Robert, you've set me on the right course... Considering that over 50% of the U.S. electrical supply comes from coal fired sources (at least this was true in 2000), then it's the electric cars that are to blame for the whales!

Just doing my part to help ... get peoples minds off the theme of what's going on inside your car Wink
Originally posted by #5754:
Thanks Robert, you've set me on the right course... Considering that over 50% of the U.S. electrical supply comes from coal fired sources (at least this was true in 2000), then it's the electric cars that are to blame for the whales!

I have often wondered how people can justify the use of plug in electric cars. I know it cuts down on our use of foreign oil, but much of the electricity comes from coal. I guess the amount of coal used to make the electricity must not be as harmful as the emissions from the gasoline?

Whatever, at 8.5mpg I will never be able to justify my car to anyone that is green.

- Robert
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