Is there a tool available to rent or purchase for removing the bushings? I,m assuming they’re pull-able with a slide hammer. Thanks ahead for any insight.
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(… You mean the two brass bushings for the lower A-Arms in the bottom of the uprights? Just making sure…)
On my first removal, we carefully slotted them with a hacksaw, then carefully tapped them out with a drift and light hammer taps….
Thanks for your reply. Yes the brass bushings. The splitting with a hacksaw and drifting them out was my first thought. Now I have to make a decision on modifying for zerk fittings.
Somewhere around the inside edge of the lower support, DeTomaso left a fingernail's worth of the edge off in the cast iron, sufficient to get a screwdriver in from the opposite side and knock out the bushing. The nick in the cast iron is always filled with grease- sometimes, hardened grease and difficult to see unless you know what to look for. On our '72L, I think it was on the bottom edge.
Thanks for all your help. Mine unfortunately did not have that edge off in the casting so I had to split and drift them out. I might however put a little dremel time in and open up a little area for the next guy. On to the next step!