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Robin Williams, wearing a shirt that says 'I love New York ' in Arabic.

You gotta love Robin Williams.......Even if he's nuts! Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan. What we need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message.

Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!)

'I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's one plan.'

1) 'The US will apologize to the world for our 'interference' in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those 'good 'ole' boys', we will never 'interfere' again.

2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany , South Korea , the Middle East , and the Philippines . They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence

3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They're illegal!!!

4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.

5) No foreign 'students' over age 21. The older ones are the bombers.. If they don't attend classes, they get a 'D' and it's back home baby.

6) The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while

7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough..)

8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not 'interfere.' They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.

9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.

10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us 'Ugly Americans' any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH.learn it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?

'The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.' She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?' '


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  • robin
Original Post

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“This post, whoever said it, is a message of self preservation. This nation, as well as the rest of the world, is going to hell in a hand basket mostly because of our attitudes towards one another, as exhibited in this thread.”

It would be great if we could all get a long and sing “Kumbaya”. But the reality is that self preservation is what it should be about. When do Americans begin to look out for themselves?

Sadly we have a “leader” who travels the world apologizing for the past actions of his (?)
country. He never mentions the sacrifices that have been made by thousands of Americans in defense of liberty for countless countries. Name another nation that has given and sacrificed as much as the United States?
Last edited by Pantera 3rd&Last
Some of us Canadians were born Americans and still have some American blood. By becoming Canadians we have given up our "right" to be righteous about US policy but it certainly doesn't mean we can't understand patriotism.

One of the many things I love about Canada is the way we welcome visitors and generally tolerate and attempt to resolve differences of opinion. We keep our doors and hearts open to those less fortunate while doing what we can around the world to prevent tyranny and terror. We are not perfect and are the first to admit it, but we make an effort to understand others and their context, not just from our own narrow viewpoint. Perhaps the "leader" Jeff refers to is actually a Canadian in disguise?

(As an aside: In World War I, Canadian soldier casualties per capita was over seven times the US rate. In World War II, the Canadian casualty rate was 25% higher than the USA so, like the USA, Canadians DO know about making sacrifices to ensure freedom and liberty for others less fortunate)

And more bonus points to Dennis for keeping the pulse rate up on this forum! Wink

Originally posted by LF - TP 2511:
As a Canadian your opinion concerning US flag waving really has no value.

And there you have it:

If you are not a citizen of The United States of America, "your opinion...has no value."

And THAT attitude, in a nutshell, my fellow Americans, is why many other folks don't like us.


Larry, anyone’s comments are welcome and have value. My problem with Michael’s comments is that they concern his dislike for our own discord.

I doubt any Canadian want my thoughts on how Canadian’s feel about their countries’ policies It is for Canadians to discuss. I can comment about policies etc as they can about ours.

But to say they do not like how we discuss (waive the flag) our country between Americans is arrogant. As Canadians they have no reason to comment. If you do not like our internal bickering just do not read them or better yet go some where else.
Last edited by Pantera 3rd&Last
If you are going to whine about the “Ugly American” at least have the character to shout about what this country has done for the good of mankind.

It seems the post I'm quoting here has been deleted. My comments still stand.

Dear 4134 - do you have a name?

Hmmm, did you miss my earlier post where I replied to your statement - "Name another nation that has given and sacrificed as much as the United States? " - with "There is none?

Sorry I didn't wave a flag or kill a Commie to get your attention.

I am, always have been, and always will be, proud of my country's ideals. I am also proud of most of my county's accomplishments, both here and around the world. However, I am not so cocksure and high-n-mighty to ignore the other, ugly side of our actions around the world.

You say 'liberal apologist'. Gee, I guess I shouldn't have listened to all that growing-up advice about how a person should be able to admit when he is wrong. And this country has been wrong.

Perhaps a phrase such as 'conservative denialist' should be coined to describe your philosophy?

Last edited by lf-tp2511
Originally posted by LF - TP 2511:
Name another nation that has given and sacrificed as much as the United States?

There is none.

Sadly, there is also perhaps not another nation that has interfered as much in the internal workings, politics and finances of countless countries.

Flame suit on.


Oh Larry, you are truly my favorite left wing liberal!

You have made the original post by Dennis spot on! If the US just stays the hell out of everyone’s business we can concentrate on helping ourselves.

In answer to your question:

Colonial Great Britain for one. Maybe you forgot about Germany prior to and during two world wars. Throw in Japan and a little colonial France and you have a good start.

Did your history book leave out the Soviet Union or China?

Or how about the financial manipulation played out by the Saudis.
If I read this all correctly .. most of what quoted by Robin Williams .. is a message where it seems "THE FREE RIDE" is offered to those who dont pay their share. America and Canada was WON in the trenches ... hard work .. not these candy ass politicans selling us down the river.

But as I have said before .. keep in mind we are all immagrants and thats what makes us great. Diverse backrounds, beliefs all melted into one pot.

The only reason we cry about illegals now is because they are taking the low paying jobs ... as soon as this economy booms .. we will be hiring them ourselves.

As soon as the war is over ..there will be a labor shortage greater then after WW2.

Then what ? Ask them to come back ?

Ask your children to do the landdscaping around the house, clean the house, dig the trenches, pour the concrete, sweep the floor, work in McDonalds, 7-11 etc.

I agree pull the troops out and come home ...let them kill each other. I have first hand experience when I was in Spain, young punks critizing the USA .. these were Venezuelans ... I asked them " why are you living in SPAIN ... got tired of getting robbed at the ATM ?"

Originally posted by LF - TP 2511:
If you are going to whine about the “Ugly American” at least have the character to shout about what this country has done for the good of mankind.

It seems the post I'm quoting here has been deleted. My comments still stand.

Dear 4134 - do you have a name?

Hmmm, did you miss my earlier post where I replied to your statement - "Name another nation that has given and sacrificed as much as the United States? " - with "There is none?

Sorry I didn't wave a flag or kill a Commie to get your attention.

I am, always have been, and always will be, proud of my country's ideals. I am also proud of most of my county's accomplishments, both here and around the world. However, I am not so cocksure and high-n-mighty to ignore the other, ugly side of our actions around the world.

You say 'liberal apologist'. Gee, I guess I shouldn't have listened to all that growing-up advice about how a person should be able to admit when he is wrong. And this country has been wrong.

Perhaps a phrase such as 'conservative denialist' should be coined to describe your philosophy?


The US has made plenty of mistakes throughout history. But our intentions are without questions forthright. If the US had not”interfered” where would your world be today?

You fail to address that Obama only apologizes for US actions. He never speaks of the sacrifices made by our country. He never speaks of the good we have done for these same people. Do you need examples?

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