We have already 5 buyers for the Pantera GTS shoes.
As mentioned before when we hit 7 buyers, the shoes will become reality.
Until now we have Roland from Germany, Kristian from Denmark, Mr. Miljeteig from Norway and Hans & myself from Holland. All Europeans... You US guys cannot stay behind! With the largest population of Panteras in the world, there must be two guys interested in buying cool hand-made Italian Pantera shoes!
For only 149 Dollars including shipping, you can be the proud owner of a pair of these very limited edition footware! If it helps I can give away a onetime 10 Euro (14 Dollar) coupon discount (use: CQNYBWTLVPH) and two onetime 5 Euro (7 Dollar) coupon discount (use: SSRDWKTZIHG or QVTYEYSZHRO).
Help us go into production and pre-orde your pair at: https://www.aliveshoes.com/pantera-gts.
I've made this cool poster to convice you ;-)