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Its not set in stone Julian.

We were able to set-up the home page art work prior to the migration. I was able to place the old forum and new forum side by side on my computer screen, and set them up to look as close to identical as possible. That was the easy task.

But the various forum pages weren't viewable in their finished state until after the data was migrated from the old forums. However once the data is migrated the new forums have to go live, we couldn't go back to using the old forums while I finished "tweaking" the art work of the new forums, because the old forums would collect additional "un-migrated data".

So the final appearance of the forum pages has to be sorted-out with the forums live. The old forums are no longer available to use as a comparison ... but that's not much of a drawback because the lay-out is different. But the software is all new so I have to go through the process of determining what changes what.

We went through this back in 2006. I promise we'll sort it out again. I'm the biggest problem slowing the process down.

I have member profile/registration particulars to sort out too.

cowboy smiley


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  • cowboy smiley
Last edited by George P
George P posted:

Its not set in stone Julian.

We were able to set-up the home page art work prior to the migration. I was able to place the old forum and new forum side by side on my computer screen, and set them up to look as close to identical as possible. That was the easy task.

But the various forum pages weren't viewable in their finished state until after the data was migrated from the old forums. However once the data is migrated the new forums have to go live, we couldn't go back to using the old forums while I finished "tweaking" the art work of the new forums, because the old forums would collect additional "un-migrated data".

So the final appearance of the forum pages has to be sorted-out with the forums live. The old forums are no longer available to use as a comparison ... but that's not much of a drawback because the lay-out is different. But the software is all new so I have to go through the process of determining what changes what.

We went through this back in 2006. I promise we'll sort it out again. I'm the biggest problem slowing the process down.

I have member profile/registration particulars to sort out too.

cowboy smiley

Great that things are up and running again, almost got withdrawal symptoms. We sure appreciate the time and effort you are putting into getting it optomised.

George P posted:

Mic, frΓ¨re de mΓͺme esprit, j'apprΓ©cie votre aide, Je ferai ce que je peux pour vous; pardonne mon pauvre franΓ§ais. Mes voeux les plus chaleureux vous suivent chaque jour.

Comprendre? Ou devrais-je m'en tenir Γ  l'anglais?

Votre franΓ§ais, mon ami, est trΓ¨s bien ... 

Your French, my friend, is very good 

btw Georges, do you still have your rep list out there regarding your spokesperson representing the marque in our respective state or province ? 

joules posted:

...I was looking through and old thread and there is not way to scroll through pages other than one by one consecutively, can that be fixed to jump to any page?

I believe the pages are actually listed,  you just can't see them because the lettering is black over a black background. In other words its just an artwork issue … back in my lap.

I also want to say thanks to George and Debbie for the tireless wok they do for the De Tomaso community. As with any upgrade there will be some teething issues and so far George has been responsive to address feedback. I am confident over time we as users will become more familiar with the platform as well as it developing to be more user friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

over50 posted:

Some people don't have a clue how time consuming and hard it is to change to a new platform when the old one is no longer supported.


As I was part of a team who was working replacing a platforms to newer levels I know how time-consuming and work this is. Also spending hours and hours creating a user friendly version not to overwhelming members with the new layout. 

However we were listening to our members and tried not to change to much in details which results in stable communication and slightly increasing of members today. 

Again, the technical improvent continues and you have to follow the so called new innovations (doesn't matter if you like it or not) but it's really necessary to change it completely? 

I am sure a lot of members wish a similar Forum overview back as we had previously. Assuming that this will keep people more open to changes and will highly appreciated. 

marcf posted:

Sorry but the new layout is rubbish. I cant see the benefit to it ...

Dont understand me wrong but why is it necessary the change a running system completely - especially the layout ?  Yes , you have to go with the new technologies but why no overall main page anymore ?

Not sure if I'll stay with the Forum

Well gosh, hate to see anyone leave because of the update.   Keep in mind if you were to join other forums, the Lamborghini Forum for example, they have different ($$$) levels of membership after your free week look-a-round. No freebie's over there. Rubbish!??? Little harsh, no? Maybe you can help out! Poor George 'n Debbie do months of hard work only to get complaints from you and Joules, who says he 'Doesn't care much for it'.

Right - I have to correct myself. We are old enough to communicate in a proper way and I am also requesting the same in our other forum. So - my apologies - I may was too emotional when I wrote the comment.

But I still believe that some of the members missing a overall Forum page , so its worth thinking about an idea coming close to this topic ...

Sharkey, I simple expressed an opinion and in another post recognized the effort George puts in, but if no one provides input then it is assumed everyone is happy and nothing changes. This should be expected to be an iterative process IMO, but if you have a vendor banner support then I humbly accept your opinion should sway more.

Last edited by joules
marcf posted:

Right - I have to correct myself. We are old enough to communicate in a proper way and I am also requesting the same in our other forum. So - my apologies - I may was too emotional when I wrote the comment.

But I still believe that some of the members missing a overall Forum page , so its worth thinking about an idea coming close to this topic ...

I'll bet you it gets done:-)

well I'm an ancient sod and hard to please, but the first thing I did here on the new look was try and post a pic, I did and it worked, thats the first one since 2013 I think.

Chuck and others have posted them for me. Getting to know the new forum will take me a good bit but grateful for all of it the knowledge out there is manifold and the efforts of George will never be fully appreciated because he makes it all look so easy!! I know it isn't.  NEWS Flash, tomorrow I will be driving the red tomato, 3840 down from Manchester to The National exhibition centre in Birmingham, where its on the Detomaso Drivers club stand for the biggest show of the year, weather forecast is wicked, with lots of rain, will put up some pics after the show, best Pete

Last edited by George P

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