Some might recall that I started looking for a Pantera in the US a couple of months ago. Seen some really nice examples a bit out my league or with details I did not like. In the end I arrived by coincidence at Jim Cozzolino's place. He took his time going out of his way to look at a Pantera. After a couple of Pantera samples I decided to go with a more or less project car but with good mechanicals. So we found THPNLE01447 at Littleton Colorado.
It will not be wild when finished, but completely overhauled and with modern improvements (Wilwoods, better cooling, coil overs, new wheels…). On the outside I am trying to go for the clean and understated look that leaves all of the lines undisturbed.
I am hopeful work will start soon at Coz’ workshop so I can have it in Belgium in time for the Modena trip.
Again a big thanks to David, Mark, Husker, Accobra and Erik for general support and advice.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
congrats. Looking forward to watching it's progress.
Cheers, Tim.
Nice car. Great colour!
Congratulations Michel!
I am glad you finally found "your" car. I'm sure that Jim will do a great job for you. If not, let me know and I'll send a team of Canadian Spies to haul him up north for some "treatments".
But seriously, the car looks just like mine did when I first got her.
I am looking forward to following the progress and I hope that you and Jim will keep us all up-to-date with pictures and details.
Oh, and yeah, great colour!

After all of your research, I am sure that #1447 has found an excellent home. Can't wait to see pix of the progress along the way ...
I have to agree with my Canadian brethren: you simply cannot go wrong with a white cat. All the money you would have spent on paint touch-ups can now be diverted to the power train!!!
Oh and the color is called: White Ofcourse ;o)
and I intend to keep it.
We will keep everyone posted on the progress and be posting pictures as it moves along...
Thanks guys !
quote:Originally posted by Vereeken:
Moving along...on THPNLE 01447
Great going! We want more more MORE! I'm sure you do as well. Keep us posted, things are coming along nicely.
quote:Your car is looking good! AND its the RIGHT color!
But the last photo is it going off to the saying it's coming back that color.
quote:Originally posted by Joules5:quote:Your car is looking good! AND its the RIGHT color!
But the last photo is it going off to the saying it's coming back that color.
Right on. I do like white but when stripping we discovered that it was original guess what...
quote:Originally posted by garth66:quote:Right on. I do like white but when stripping we discovered that it was original guess what...
Eccellente! Just as God and Alejandro intended...
Exactly. That is why it will be painted "Yellow Ofcourse". It is just taking a bit longer then expected. I am looking forward to that drive from Jims place to the east coast.
01447 is dead. Yes you are reading that correctly. The soda blasting revealed terminal rust -funny enough only on the last 20% of the car at the inside back. Jim and myself have decided that she is not a worthy restoration candidate.
And this is good news for the Pantera world. The car has oddly enough all body panels/ glass and other hard to come by elements intact. They are sand or bead blasted and in some cases primed. All the stuff is disassembled and sometimes cleaned and at the workshop of Jim Cozzolino in Peoria Arizona. A perfect ZF and functional Cleveland is in there as well as well as Campagnolo's.
Drop me a mail at and we will send you a detailed list of available parts at fair prices. Watch this space for the new project.
The condition of the car that could not be seen until it was stripped and what had been done motor wise.
A previous owner covered up all the damage with body filler and paint in area's that would have been very hard if not impossible to find without the car being stripped first.
But as Michel stated, I am currently going through all the parts on the car, cleaning them up, getting them in working order and we will have many of the parts for sale.
You can also contact me to see what is available.
This is indeed a sad day, so many of us were following the restoration work with great anticipation for how the car would turn out.

It's disappointing to see all of the work on this one come to an end, so, unless there is someone out there who wants to buy everything and make the effort to restore it, parting it out seems like the best option.
If there's a silver lining, I've noticed that lately there seem to have been a number of very good looking cars show up at excellent prices, but you need to move fast as the best deals seem to go very quickly. And as you've seen, there's always someone on this forum willing to go out and help with an inspection.
And call me crazy but I want Coz to start on a new project. I want to see the car butt naked before going further. Unless ofcourse the right Pantera with absolute stunning pedigree and a Kazillion restoration photo's from last month happens to trot over my left the right price.

that is an enormous dissapointment, I am really gutted on your behalf. I think a number of us were looking at cars at the same time you bought that one and as was mentioned earler have been following this restoration with great interest. I just managed to pick up my dream car a couple of weeks ago and am hoping I don't find anything like what you have discovered. I hope you find something fantastic to replace this one.
Cheers, Tim.
This seems an appropriate time to again state what is obvious to most of us when looking at a Pantera for purchase:
If you purchase a Pantera without getting it up on a lift and then spending at least fifteen minutes with a hammer and a center punch you are asking for trouble.
Yes, a hammer and a center punch. You are not going to tap around on a Pantera chassis with your pencil or your knuckles and find anything, especially if the seller is fraudulent and has tried to cover known defects. Bondo, paint and undercoating from Kragens can cover almost anything. But if you HIT THE BEJEZZUS out of frame sections, you'll find such camouflage.
On the other hand, the small impact point from a punch or awl will not leave any damage of any importance. Should the seller get bent out of shape, politely explain the real world - perhaps this example - and tell him YOU are not willing to repeat such a scenario.
Eastwood sells an overpriced magnet device that will give you some sort of an idea of paint/bondo thickness on painted areas:
Another type of this magnet unit is the Spot Rot. I couldn't find a current selling listing for this - I bought one back in 2001 - but here is info:
You know that we are all sad to see how this has worked out and we will continue to do what we can to help you find the right car. Good luck with the parting-out process and keep your spirits up. Your car is out there somewhere!
Doug M
What does dead mean? I see some badly rusted areas, but I have not seen a part on this car which could not be fabricated.
The issue is how much has to be fabricated, weather you are going to do the fabrication yourself, or have some one else do it, how much time and money you have. This is not to say this is the best choice but it also means not all is lost if you can or wish to tackle it.
I only saw the one photo but the frame and the uprights them self are not to hard to repair. The issue I am guessing is most of the car is this way.
Your example of the fabrication possible should give everyone hope that nothing can be "pronounced dead" forever.
quote:Originally posted by four walling:
nice work comp 2,
Your example of the fabrication possible should give everyone hope that nothing can be "pronounced dead" forever.
I know it's not everyone's cut of tee but I look around at the car and each individual piece looks like something we could all fabricate if we needed to. My problem with my car is some have done a poor job of repair and I am repairing repair jobs.

Michel you already have some money invested keep going and do it right!
I am posting a number of after and before pictures for your enjoyment. We knew about the rust in front at radiator mount and suspected rust out back between headlights after inspection. We discounted that in our price.
Teh problem is in the inside wheel liners where it seems rust started between the inner and outer pannel.
Again, every else on this car is straight.
And yes I will take legal action against the seller for misrepresentation. Give him a sleepless night or two.