I am registered at Provamo but can not access the VIN numbers and photos.... how do I do that?
Ahhh, another De Tomaso Family member thinking Chuck's site is basically the same as Panteraplace and Banzairunnerpantera.
To gain any entrance to the Provamo site, you must register. This gets you into some of the site, but most of the site - especially the registry - still requires more effort on your part.
To view most of Chuck's site, you are required to contribute at least one Registry addition. Now this can be as simple as entering your own car - if someone else hasn't already done that, unbeknownst to you - or grabbing information from another site: eBay, cartrader, Fun Rally, Concorso,etc. This usually isn't too hard to do, but it is a pain.
While this has resulted in a high number registry in a very short time, Provamo is no doubt the least user-friendly Pantera website due to that restriction. I'm sure it has stumped many casual newbies from enjoying Chucks's site, and many of us have told him that.
But it is his site, and his rules. If you want to play, you got to pay.