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So, here is a link to the story Linky

In short, here are the official ten commandments of driving:

The "Drivers' Ten Commandments," as listed by the document, are:

1. You shall not kill.

2. The road shall be for you a means of communion between people and not of mortal harm.

3. Courtesy, uprightness and prudence will help you deal with unforeseen events.

4. Be charitable and help your neighbor in need, especially victims of accidents.

5. Cars shall not be for you an expression of power and domination, and an occasion of sin.

6. Charitably convince the young and not so young not to drive when they are not in a fitting condition to do so.

7. Support the families of accident victims.

8. Bring guilty motorists and their victims together, at the appropriate time, so that they can undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness.

9. On the road, protect the more vulnerable party.

10. Feel responsible toward others.
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I have a real problem with #5. I have had occasion to sin in the back seat on enough occasions that I'm gonna burn for sure! Cool

Oh, and I think my soul is definitely damned because of the number of times I have "expressed" my "power" to "dominate" the raging bull and prancing horse guys.

Yup. I'm goin' to driver hell for sure. But I'll be doing it with a raped-ape grin on my face because I know I will be hanging with a lot of friends and really righteous guys... an infinitely better alternative given the self-righteous and boring Naderites who will be infesting the other venue.
Originally posted by Peter H:
...Yup. I'm goin' to driver hell ...I know I will be hanging with a lot of friends and really righteous guys...

Hey Peter, when we get to driver hell, we'll have to warm things up a bit. They haven't seen hot yet! We'll grab the gate keeper of hell by the balls and squeeze until it cries uncle! Come on gate keeper, hit me with your best shot! Is that the best you can do? Hah!

OK gate keeper, MY TURN!


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  • flaming_skull_and_Isis
Last edited by George P
Ok, Here’s the UK none religious version:
1 Thou Shalt not kill anything that is large enough to harm the paintwork.
2 Thou Shalt not buy French.
3 Thou must realise that road users in Silver BMW’s and Audi’s actually do have acute tunnel vision and no, their turn signals don’t work.
4 The measure of a man actually is the noise produced from his exhausts. Alternatively, if you cannot afford the insurance for this, then Stereo power will be an acceptable substitute.
5 Thou must respect the highway pecking order of Truck, SUV, Car, Motorcycle, bicycle, Hyundai.
6 Throwing golf balls out of your sunroof is the ideal way of showing your respect for the road-users that are travelling behind you.
7 The M25 is the ideal place for rest, relaxation, contemplation and sleep at the beginning and end of a busy working day.
8 You are NOT important enough to warrant having all of the windows tinted to midnight on your SUV.
9 Just because you pay all of your road tax does not mean you get to use all of the road.
10 Accident victims are not there for your entertainment. They are there to keep lawyers in work.
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