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Dirt bikes don't go well with arthrits, I gave mine up about ten years ago..I was trying to start it with all my riding gear on and broke out in a sweat from kicking it...sombody took a picture of me..and in the pic the rubber plug was in the exaust keeping it from starting.. When I saw the pic, I said I've had enough LOL But I still ride my classic 1980 xt 500 yamaha enduro...back and forth to the part store. Cats, I drop them off bridges.
This poor old cat is 13 1/2 years old. He's been an outdoor cat all his life, this past year I've watched his physical ability diminish, so I just recently brought him in to be a house cat, to spend his last year or so living a bit more comfortably, warm at night, etc. He's getting so old he can't jump fences, stuff like that.

Bill, I'm afraid my cat wouldn't be any competition for your dog. He'd probably have a heart attack trying to run away.

Brad, yeah, the seats are for the Pantera, I haven't tried them or even measured them yet. Paid just a bit more for the pair than the retail price of one, couldn't pass up the deal. If necessary, I'll have the floor pans dropped, they are very comfortable & very attractive.

Michael, chinese food....... Frowner

The Whippet is 15 years old, confused, cloudy eyes, half deaf. She won't stay in at nite anymore. She wants out then back in. I know how you feel, it is sad, but she is just going to have to tough it out like the rest of us. My wifey has gone to her sisters 'tiil Thanksgiving. She hasent' helped much in the shop anyway. I updated some more pics of 1362's paint. I have used enamel so far for the undersides and engine bay. Now I am having the color matched in Dupont Nason Fullthane. A true urethane single stage. I have used it with great success. The plan is to spray it so slick, there will be no need to buff. I got to run out and get some beer.....later
I dreamt abouy cats everywhere last night...Then I dreamed that these pre teen black kids stole my carburator and pushed my car into a pond..funny thing, I was able to reach in and pull it out by myself...thats when I found the carb gone..Then it happened again, I was going to show off my paint and Puf it was gone again. Glad to be awake today !!
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