I am not sure how much work you are planning to do your self but when I bought my welder it was something I can't believe I never had. I have a Hobart 135 Mig:
Welding basic steel with one of these welders is very easy. I bought mine with no experience and procedded to weld project after project. I have made the welding cart, tables, stands, and many other things around the garage. Welding body parts is a little more tricky (which I did alot on the MGB) but found that I was capable of doing it with little experience.
What ever you do go with the gas. It is just not the same without the gas. You should have a vendor locally for steel. 24' angle iron running about $11 depending on thickness. I forget what the box steel is running but it is bassed mostly on weight. Get a cheap chop saw from Harbor freight, gloves and eye protection. I built this one faster than I could have assembled it if it came in a box!
If you set yourself up for welding you would be suprised the amount of things you use it for. OH one more thing, before you use a chop saw or welder (especially the chop saw) MOVE ALL FLAMABLES OUT OF THE SHOP. Had to say that.