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several months ago there was an ebay post regarding a fiberglass center console that positioned the gauges horizontally and had the radio positioned horizontally also. I think the ebay price was about $250. I had emailed the seller and he responded but my computer crashed and I can't find the info. I know that the price was less than half of Wilkinson's 2 piece conversion kit. Anyone have any ideas?


Gary #06984
Original Post
The 'custom' seems to be modeled after the stock GT5 console. All are fiberglas with some sort of covering. If I wanted such, I'd take a photo to a local hot-rod upholstery shop & ask them how much if they do it all, OR how much if you build a fiberglas console for them to upholster? Then you'll find out what other people think the mod is worth & ypou can decide if Wilkinson is overpriced or...?.
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