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that has been the one complaint I have had with Hall they sell lots of stuff w/o any instructions on how to install then when you call them it depends on what kind of day they are having. I've had responses ranging from going into great detail, to "send it back if you don't like it". You might want to do what I did, which is take the plate and mount it into a block of wood and drill 2 angled holes for pens. It made a beautiful desk set for my office.

As far as the car goes there is a relatively new option that works really well, It is a plate that mounts to the rear frame that has all of the details of the plate you are wanting to use. It also covers the 2 sway bar mounting brackets. It really finishes off the back area of the car nicely, and they are available at most of the dealers.

I have attached the link from Pantera East so you can see what I am talking about. I used the clear anodized one with a fill coat of body color, it really looks sharp and finishes off that whole area

Gary #06984
I drilled and tapped 2 screws into it. Ugly screws? I used black allen head screws that were tappered into the black part of the plate. Not sure what the propper name of screw is, but it's tappered like a wood screw, but with machined threads. You can't see them unless you're a foot away.
I wouldn't trust epoxy.
My .02
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