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There are three types of Gr-3 Panteras. Type #1 was built at the factory as an original Gr-3- a street-legal racer. There are only 26 of these listed on the Gr-3 Registry kept by Anders Hellburg in Sweden ( who owns one. There's another on the List owned by a member in Br. Columbia, and a 3rd in CA. I don't personally know of any others.

Type #2 is a Pantera that was originally sold as a plain-vanilla car that was driven awhile, then returned to the factory to receive the wanted Gr-3 mods (there are also interior and decorative mods that are listed in the Gr-3 Catalogues, of little interest to racers). The factory kept track of those  serials too, as did Anders.

Type #3 is also a street Pantera that was driven awhile, then the owner or a shop installed some or most of the Gr-3 parts that were readily available (in Europe).  The rare 10" x 15" Campagnolos are an example. The factory obviously could not keep track of those cars. A few Gr-3 cars were converted to GR-4 and a few more were home-built without genuine all-factory parts (like mine).

All three types were pro-and-amateur-raced back in the day. Some Gr-3s are also listed in Phillippe Olszyck's excellent book on the racing DeTomasos (now out of print). FWIW, #4729 is not listed in Olczyck's book or Ander's Registry, but he readily admits he may not have all of them that were ever built.

Finally, there are two versions of the Factory Gr-3 Supplemental Parts Catalogue, and the FIA homologation requirements for mods allowed for internationally racing such cars in class. All 3 publications are available on the POCA Website for download.

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