quote:Originally posted by ItalFord:
I read a long time ago that Edelbrock dyno's their water pumps. I wonder if someone can contact them and ask if they can share that data?
I can't believe that water pump flow/head/rpm curves are not readily available. extensive googling today only found the following link where one did call edelbrock and obtained data for thier pump
I wish they had at least included the head drop across the heads they used during thier flow testing
reading between the lines answered one question for me...I have seen where "NASCAR" water pump flow rates are +100 gpm, the comment in the post was this is due to NASCAR intentionally restricting AIR flow through the radiator, thus the need for greater water flow
quote:Originally posted by PanteraTurbo:
Just out of curiosity has anyone ever measured the head pressure in a pantera with a known pump?
another "I can't believe"! IF I had been interested in Panteras during the period when I was capable, I would have had to measure this, especially given the redoric I've seen recently about the inadaquancies of the original cooling system
even though the flow rates do approach 100 gpm at high rpms, I would wonder how much flow was truelly needed and would be concern that "overheating" could occur with those expected flows due to actual flow being less due to cavatation influanced by actual system head lossed