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Ah yes........ Everyone is an "expert" on classic cars. Even the Pantera.

I was at the local PCA/DE event this weekend, and took the Pantera. Typically get lots of folks checking it out, nice comments and such, even during the track touring all sorts of folks saying nice stuff about it and literally swarm around it..... then comes the "expert".

The one guy that knows it all...... I tell him a little about it (like the G5 kit added), and immediately he says "well there goes the originality"...... he checks my seats, which IMHO although not original are in the theme of Pantera and done very nicely...... again he starts downward on the comments.....I was thinking to myself.... do I grab a hammer or the vice-grips?

As I've even learned, the Pantera has its own versions and value to each, and it does not loose value as a modified early vette....and sure KICKS SOME A$$ in the looks and performance area!!!!

LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT.................

Bob over-and-out (ahhh..feel much better now)
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Yes! I was filling up at the ole' gas station, when 'The Expert' approached, he was all compliments, but HE firmly believed and tried to convince Me that the Pantera had a 'Factory' 427 C.I. Engine Option! I just chuckled. Envy is what it is, and it 'comes with the territory'! We'll just have to get use to it. Marlin.
Had some kids asking me on bikes the other day what the cars was. I told them to gues. Finally one of them came up with Pantera. I thought how in the world did the 12+/- year old know that. Then one of them said to the other "hey that's on the game at home". I don't know if it was the play station or the computer but sounded like they were heading back to play the game afterwards.
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