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Doug, Don't shave, I did a quick tally, and Pantera guys with facial hair outnumber those without by almost 2:1 - ok, there's 2 where I wasn't sure if it counted as facial hair or not :-)

Dave, Awesome weekend, and many thanks for all the work you and your supporting cast put into making it work out so well ... Of course we'll have to do something about not having the guy from California try to lead the pack to dinner! Not his fault though, the people he was following pulled over and waved him into the lead - must admit, it was a nice tour of downtown Kingston.

I'll post some shots after I go through and select a handful.
Yup. A lot of work goes into pulling off an event like this and every one of us owes a huge thank-you to David (and his amazing wife Joanne who has to live through all of the preparations) for everything he does to enable all of us to have a great time. Bringing George up to meet some of his Northern clan was a real treat for all of us too. We even put George to work helping install signs & banners! Big Grin


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  • early_morning_set-up
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