Well boy howdy!!! That esplains a LOT Lucy!!!
George, thanks for that monster "fill in the blank" bit here!!!!
That explains a couple of things....
1) why the bowls look like they were Ford stampings...similar holes in them for bits and stuff...
2) the odd Ford number on the twisted plastic pieces
3) "when" these may have been used by Ford and by deductive reasoning....when they could be showing up on a Longchamp! (I failed the history test on DeT cars...."when were Longchamps produced!?"....
I'm going to go out on a limb a little bit and say that the 83-84-85+ Longchamps with the black units, spun alluminium(!) lids, and straight snorkels were sourced from Mustang or Truck/vans with the 5.8L engine. I know these match in some ways, the 5.0L Mustang engines for certain.....just haven't seen any pictures of 5.8 Bronco/truck/van air cleaners yet...!
Thanks for the input!!!