Wow, I hate it when my computer looses all my pictures......even the ones that I didn't take with my digital camera(s)!!!! I thought for certain that I had pictures of my rear shocks as removed......
I do recall that the springs were yellow, shock bodies were green. There were also some red paint dots/stripes on the springs.
The front springs were silver. My car already had the Koni's installed (which were GREAT shocks for the car!).
Biggest issue for the deCarbons and the period Konis, besides the gas coming out of the deCarbons, is the silly rubber bushings. Surely they were made of chewing gum.
I replaced some of my original bushings with new ones, and in VERY short order, 6 months or so, they looked similar to this pic.....
Metal to metal on the center steel insert.
Note that these same bushings are used in the ends of the trans cross member!!! So if you find you actually have a good shock bushing, it can be repurposed!
The unit on the LH side in pic is the old "period" Koni, and the RH unit is a Carerra/QA1 verison with their nylon liner/steel ball.... This nylon/steel ball insert is crap! The nylon pounded itself out in very short order also and was replaced with a more conventional metal to ball version that they offer. The nylon version is fine for cars that will just be sitting.....not so good for driving..... Just need to inspect them for wear periodically!