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Pantera owners,

For those of you familiar with Marti Auto Works (, you would know that Kevin Marti provides Production History Reports and interesting statistics to Ford Mustang owners. The reports essentially validate the production information and they also provide really cool statistical data.

Well, I emailed Kevin recently to locate the dealer name for my own 1972 Pantera (#03382), which he graciously provided, and I learned that he also has all of the production codes in his database for all Pantera’s from 1971 – 1974. I’m sure that I’m not the only Pantera owner intrigued by this information. Kevin also explained that he has the data but isn’t 100% clear as to how to decipher the paint codes. This is where you can help!

In order for Kevin to add an official Pantera History Production Report, several Pantera owners need to provide their VIN’s with original paint color ahead of time so he could use this intelligence to create future reports in the future. When he has enough paint code data, he will begin offering the reports.

If you are interested in helping out Kevin, please email your VIN and original paint color to and he’ll let us know when the Pantera reports are available.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Keep the shiny side up,
Bill Plank

AKA Plankton (#3382)
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