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I can only express my gratitude for what was one of the most memorable events I have had the pleasure to be part of. Thanks goes to all involved.

First and foremost to Mark and Yasmin for opening their home to us and being such welcoming hosts;
To John, JC, Mike and Lori for their technical help, knowledge and wrench guidance;
To Russ, Andy, Denis and David for the organization, taking charge, etc.
To Richard, Michel and Claude just to see them again and ...
Finally to Doug, (who probably is on the road to Calgary as I write this) for being there to share '74 ownership stories.


P.S. One of the highlights was seeing David blast down the road, at first, the wrong way to Montreal. Then, to again see him thunder by, passing the house, at speed, headed in the right direction. The car always brings a grin to my face.
Last edited by andriyko
What a great weekend!!
A huge thank you to all. Mark for opening up his house to all this chaos just a month after moving in. Andy, Russ, David, Denis for a stellar job of organizing and planning.
Lots of projects completed.
Lots of great help and advice.
Lots of terrific food.
Lots of great company and conversation.
Great to see old friends and meet new people.

A special thanks to J.C. who not only guided me through my personal car project but also brought all the supplies I needed. The stuff I brought would have been useless.

Thanks also goes to Will who put on an superb steak dinner for all of us follwing the Italian Car Day show in Toronto the weekend before.

Yea, it was a long drive. 8,376 KMS door to door, but I wouldn't have missed it.

Doug M
Seems he was a little busy

Yes, the blonde looks to be even higher maintenance than the average Pantera.

NPC: When I bought my first boat at age 45, some people asked why. I told them, that I was at that age where a man starts to do really stupid things. I had considered a mistress, but decided that a boat would be a lot cheaper and required a lot less maintenance Big Grin
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