quote:Originally posted by EA #3528:
when I pull up next to a Corvette, a Porsche or even a Ferrari ... and they want to try their luck off the line. As many of you know, it's not even close (in most circumstances). There is an F355, an F430 and a big block 'vette in my neighbourhood - and they've all taken a crack. There's no comparison: my '72 Pantera often kicks the shit out of cars that are only a few years old. That's good old fashioned torque, my friends.
Yea, hang their tails between the legs. Not to put other cars down, those F355 & 360 & such are real nice cookie cutter beauties that depreciate once you drive them off the lot and year by year. But for speed, the only thing that got me so far was some little red thing, said Ducati on it. I went home shut the garage door and hung my head in shame