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Sort of sounds like you may have always wanted a Pantera. A guy in my office had a heart attack, triple bypass surgery and was back on the job in a week, pushing it again. I was gonna wait another year and pay cash for a Pantera out-of-pocket, and when I learned about him, I said to myself "tomorrow is not guaranteed, and if you were in that guy's shoes, and were on your deathbed, you'd certainly regret not getting what you wanted from life." I've wanted a Pantera for 30+ years, and always invested in education, a house, the stock market....

I borrowed aginst my Tacoma 4x4 and had a Pantera within a month. It will always be an asset. If I die tomorrow, I'll have no regrets. My decedents and/or heirs will take thrill rides before they sell it and know I lived life to the fullest. I (we) made a good effort and rewarded himself (ourselves). And maybe that will be the legacy I (we) will leave. Make a big effort and reward yourself.

If you've wanted a Pantera, you'll make yourself very emotional: happy, guilty, thrilled, frustrated, passionate, and really be living life. You may even find yourself making an even bigger effort in life, as a result of your 'frivolous' endeavor to make the purchase. We only go around once in life. Don't sell the house, but I prefer my decision over a cruise around the world for 6 months at $50,000. I was at a car show this weekend and many wives were there and I'msure they had a hand in the upholstry and decision making vis-a-vis colors, etc. It can be fun for all the family.

You'll also in the good company of all of us who have made the same decision to purchase a Pantera. And we'll be happy for you. After all, you can still sell it in a year, and if you purchased wisely, you'll do A-OK, if/when you decide to sell. And you'll have accomplished a goal similar to your pal (and all of us).

Give it some thought, and whatever you decide, well, it's just life and you made a decision about how to make yourself happy. That's what it's all about, after all the responibilities are taken care of, isn't it? We owe it to ourselves to make ourselves happy.

I hope your buddy gave you a ride in his Pantera. I further hope he gave you a chance to push the gas pedal for yourself.

Thanks for the reminder of how long we have all wished for a Pantera. Many of the guys on this board have had theirs for decades. Says something, doesn't it? And not that we are all wealthy, b/c I'm not. Just a different prioity, for however long the continuing decision to do it lasts....
Well said, Ron! Life is short, we're reminded of it every day, a friend or relation is ill or injured, you pass a horrible accident on the freeway, just watching the news! That said, it takes a special wife to understand why we feel the need to own these cars. My wife helped me establish a special account that we called the "Pantera Fund", & put what money we could into it for about 8 years. When I finally found the "right" car, she supported my decision 100%, & continues to do so when her sisters & girlfriends start to question our sanity. Car shows are just another family function for us, & the wife & kids enjoy talking to the throngs of people who invariably always gather around the car. Answering questions like old pros!
So, here's a big THANK YOU to all the Pantera wives & families out there who continue to support our passion, without you it wouldn't be half as fun!
Life IS short, enjoy it!
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