What happened to your car can be typical of transportation companies. At PI Motorsports, we only use Horseless Carriage and Passport Transport. Some of our customers have insisted on using brand x carriers or a carrier that offers a cheaper price. It is almost predictable what will happen. Also, avoid open transport and insist on enclosed. The last open transport we had resulted in a broken windshield. Make sure that the trip your Pantera is taking is a direct route. Some carriers will drop your car off along the way, like a bus transfer, and let another carrier finish the job. The problem we have seen when this happens is that an ignorant driver will tie the car down by wrapping the suspension parts improperly. In the ensuing travel, suspension parts will get bent or worse, so be sure to inspect the underside of your car when it arrives. The bottom line: don't cut corners on shipping, pay a little extra to have the best possible service. Dave