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Hello DeTomaso Enthusiasts,
I am working on a new article for our publication on EFI. Can you please post your responses based upon personal experience only, to all or as many questions as you care to answer or have knowledge of:

1) Do you own an EFI set up on your Pantera?
2) If so, what brand, model and year purchased?
3) How many miles have you logged on your car since the EFI was installed?
4) Are you satisfied with your EFI system?
5) How much did the entire system, installation and fine tuning cost?
6) What problems if any, have you had?
7) Did you seek technical advice from the factory and if so, were you satisfied?
8) Do you believe that the EFI system is superior to carburation?
9) Would you add an EFI system again if you had it to do all over?
10) Describe what other upgrades or modifications you have made to your engine?
11) What recommendations, comments or warnings would you offer to other Pantera owners about EFI?

Please respond with contact information for follow up. We are only seeking owners with actual experience not hearsay based on other owner's experiences. We want to be able to verify the findings. If you want your reply to be confidential, you may email me using the link on this topic or at:
Thank you for your input on this important topic. I will publish my findings and personal research in the Summer 2002 issue of Pantera International.
Your amigo,
Dave Adler
Director, Pantera International
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