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...Seeing that Picture says it All. "An Engineer can Design, Imagine, Calculate and Draw, Blueprints...All Day Long! But, It Takes a Machinist to Put the Part In Your Hand!!"

See Pics: As a Tool, Gage and Instrument Machinist...Where did I find a Gage, I Machined one in tool steel at 0.6700". I Never Needed an Engineer...I AM an Engineer!

In America, in the Machinist Fraternity's, we Practice the 'Higher Discipline'! Our Credo is 'Good Enough' ISN'T. My Mentors Demanded!! 'Good Enough' is Unacceptable! The 'Part' would be Thrown in the Scrap Bin!!

...and 'Sintered' Bronze does Not Expand at the Same Rate as a Solid Bronze! Because 20% of the Bearing is OIL! Another Factor in Coming Loose!! Why would anyone NOT Want a 'Self-Lubricating' Pilot Bearing, 87% Copper??

g edcbba


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Last edited by marlinjack

Marlin, I won't respond to your insults because I'm not interested in quarreling with someone I don't know, who lives 10,000 km from me and whom I will never meet; on the other hand I like technical discussions, especially with a professional.

After all your explanations it is obvious that your bearings are perfect, much more precise than anything I could ever make myself BUT, because there is always a BUT, how precise is the position of the end of the input shaft relative to the bearing housing in the crankshaft?

This position depends on:
- the concentricity of the different bearing seats of the shaft
- the perpendicularity of the axis of the bearing housings in the gearbox housings in relation to its support surface on the clutch bell
- The concentricity of the different bearings
- The position of the housing axis in relation to the centering of the gearbox housing with the clutch bell
- the position of the two centering pins in the clutch bell
- the parallelism between the both support faces of the clutch bell
- the positioning of the centering pins in the engine block in relation to the axis of the crankshaft mean bearings hoping that the bearings have never been realigned
- the perpendicularity of the axis of the main bearings in relation to the support surface of the block
- the concentricity of the bearing housing in relation to the crankshaft bearings.
- anything I may have forgotten......

All these criteria can not be perfect, they all have a small error, tiny but not zero. We can hope that, statistically, certain position errors compensate for each other, but they can also add up.
I obviously don't know the different manufacturing tolerances at the time, whether at Ford or ZF and I therefore cannot make an exact calculation, but I know they were not of the order of 10 /thousandth of an inch and I think we can estimate the final result at 1 or more tenths of mm, or 1 or more hundredths of an inch.
So your bearing is precise to less than one 10/Thousandth of an inch, I readily believe you, but it will receive the nose of the shaft which can be off-centered by one or more hundredths of an inch.

So, certainly the end of the shaft will not vibrate and that is very important, but it will still undergo alternating flexions which could cause vibrations elsewhere along the shaft because the axis of your bearing will not be perfectly aligned with the axis of the input shaft which, moreover, can have a slight angle in relation to the bore of your bearing. I suppose that it was designed by ZF for support this and it's why I wonder about the benefit of such perfect precision on just one of the parts of such a complex assembly.

I'm like mechanical assemblies, I'm not perfect, I can screw up, you obviously have the right to disagree with me and we can discuss our points of view between engineers in good faith.

@marlinjack posted:

...Obviously, ALL the Component Factors You Listed...EVERY GEARHEAD HERE ALREADY KNOWS ALL THAT!!! "You Have NO Power Here! Be Gone!!"

I Absolutely Have NO Control Over Another Factorys' Machine Work! I Do a Strict Quality Control on My Creation! All It does is Adapt the ZF Transaxle to the Cleveland Crankshaft, Pocket. The Bearing Is All I am Speaking of when I Write. The Accuracy of the Machining of MY Oilite Bearing is "Absolute Zero Error Concentricity and Axial Alignment". Machined For a Perfect FIT Every Time!! Get OVER Yourself!!

I have also stated that My Bearing is More 'Accurately True' than it Needs to Be, Because All the Other Components, Separate or Combined, can't Possibly Be Aligned 'Perfectly'.

But You are Correct when You say Marlins' Bearing IS Perfect. As Perfect as It Can Ever Be!! There is NO way It Can Be Improved! I Never said it was A Cure-All for All those other Components. They CAN, in themselves, cause Multiple Vibrations!!

I think You should STOP Over-Thinking the Placement of a Pilot Bearing, and find a New Hobby, you're starting to Waste My Time, setting You Straight!! You're Boring!! For GODs' Sake, Take a Break!

...Can We actually Believe this Guy is For REAL??


P.S. Meant to add Before this....the 'Zero Error' Accuracy is achieved (see Pictures) Because the Bore and O.D. are Machined (Course Cut) in alternating steps. Then the Bore is FINISHED First, then the O.D. Is FINISHED Last, Before the Bearing is ever Parted OFF, (see Parting tool) from the Bar. Then the Bearing can be Reversed in the Chuck and the 'TOP' is Finished, with All Bottom and Top Chamfers and 'Rounds'. Another Oilite Bearing is Born!

Just because All Other Machined Components, Not Under My Control, May be off a 'Santilla' (A Legal Term) does Not mean I Should be Sloppy in My Work!! Get Real, Dude!!


That's exactly what I've been saying since the beginning of this thread, so there was no reason to get angry.

Any chance to take some of the “less technical discussion” offline?  Maybe via private message?

It’s unbecoming of a serious forum who’s primary purpose is to help people out…

I think everyone gets the point… and  you’re not going to change each other’s minds!

It’s a slow moving train wreck…. But it’s hard not to watch…


(a.k.a. Chuck)

Last edited by rocky

This is just the aftermath of the wreck complete with conspiricy theories. It is the smoke from the fire and the media just keeps rehashing and over analyzing it.

It is a really good thread and would be nice to clean up and save if possible. Cleaning it up is going to be up to each poster.

I thought the name calling was done?  I still see the insults flying. Same as it ever was.

Maybe we are all trapped in "tragic flaw theory" as reality here?

I suppose, "the beatings will continue until the morale improves?"  "C'est la vie, say the old folks, goes to show you never can tell!".

Last edited by panteradoug

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