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Jack or Chuck Melton:
Mt 72 pre L is in the paint shop. My experienced painter wants to remove the roof mounted antenna as it "detracts" from the lines of the car. I kinda agree with him. It also has the annoying habit of banging on the roof at freeway speeds and above. It took me several days to figure the noise out. I believe the car is European and don't want to destroy its uniqueness, but the thing does look out of place. I took the radio out some months ago. Comments
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The roof mounted antenna is one of the signs people use to identify a Euro-spec car.
Replacements are available, I believe.
There is no guarentee that every Euro car came with this antenna, as you could get the car made with anything you wanted/paid for.
Many replacement antennas can be used, built into the windshield, up thru the front fender (Yuk ! - Worse than the roof !), up thru the decklid opening (mounting to the gas tank shield, mine is this way) or even the "hidden" antennas placed behind the dash work fine. But then, I've only turned on my radio twice since 1997 !
If originality is really important, replace with a new one. If you don't like the look, fill it in.
That is my quick answer.

Personal opinions vary, of course, but I like the roof mounted antenna. Or at least I prefer it to the other options. Since it is angled, it appears somewhat aerodynamic... You can buy a shorter roof mounted one if yours is too long. You should decide what YOU like instead of what your mechanic likes.

If you decide that you want to replace it, since I live in Europe I could easily and cheaply find a replacement roof-mounted antenna... I've sent them to others who liked the look...


It's like this! mechanically speaking, the roof is the best place for the antenna ! center
of the roof is best because the car steel body acts at a ground plane also the antenna
is up high and in the clear, all good for radio reception if you don't like the way it
looks on the roof (best) fender, rear motor grill (not good) then take it out and play a
What's wrong with the fender mount? I've had 3 Panteras with it mounted there. Using a "zero relief" mount, the antenna is all but imperceptible when retracted. Hides all that unsightly jerry-rigging from beeing seen in the engine bay. Plus it is a very short run to the radio.

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