I can honestly tell you that I use it on all of my cars and have for 30 years.
In all that time I have had zero failures.
The moisture absorption into Dot 3 and Dot 4 brake fluid here in the NE is horrendous.
It contributes to the rust through on standard steel brake lines also. Most of my cars have been converted over to stainless hard lines though as well.
I personally think that it contributes to the pitting of the brake caliper pistons. Th Dot 5 does not.
I would think that if you are absorbing moisture into a completely sealed system, the system isn't completely sealed.
It isn't a bad idea to bleed your system every so often either.
From me you will hear nothing of the horror stories of using it.
By the same token, I have had nothing but bad luck with MSD ignition systems. Others have had the opposite.
I suppose in the universal balance of things this is necessary to protect the stability of the Universe? Equilibrium must be maintained? Ying and yang?
It seems to give a better pedal feel also.