While looking around for a LeCarra Mark 4 (check ebay), I came across the British "Moto-Lita" brand. This one is a dished 13" Mark Four in black leather. I ended up getting it via an ebay seller, who also provided the correct adaptor.
I thought the vented grip was more practical. The smooth leather gets shiny in spots from your sweaty hands polishing the leather.
It's very hard to keep uniform looking.
This is the 350mm Momo "Competition" wheel with Wilkinson's stainless steel quick release mechanism.
It's duller (reduced glare) finish stays more consistent looking. The leather is perforated and basically eliminates the need for driving gloves.
I HAD the LeCarra wheel in the car when I bought it. At some point it seemed outdated and after the quick disconnect became available it was for sure a goner.
...LEcarra Leather.
Notice the column has been Spaced Down 1/4"(at Top Mount Bolts) to bring the top of the Wheel, to just below the 'Line of Sight', of the Hood.
When We are Watching the Road, Do We Want the Steering Wheel in Our Way?

On a side note, are your floor mats all custom made? I have a particular interest in the type with the red logo, (in your red GT5S, I presume).
Any info would be great, thanks!
quote:Originally posted by pantera chris:
I am changing to a Momo wheel, do the adapters on ebay work???
Oye vey! Boobbabla!
The adapters are specific to the Pantera. They are solid aluminum, and not the whimpy collision collapsible type that the sissy fagot boys use.
I'm very sure that I got mine from the Momo dealer with the wheel...and yes they were on Ebay.
There ARE some reliable people selling on there BUT one needs to be able to distinguish them from the Unicorn dealers?
Hall and Wilkinson both carry them in stock.
The top curve of the spokes helps with the view of the instruments. Depth of the dish works well with the arm length positioning for me.
I find the perforated leather easier to grip then the smooth but that is personal preference on my part.

quote:Originally posted by Piney:
Hey Jan, beautiful interiors! Your cars make mine look like it´s ready for the junkyard.
On a side note, are your floor mats all custom made? I have a particular interest in the type with the red logo, (in your red GT5S, I presume).
Any info would be great, thanks!
Thanks! Yes, the red logo mats are I presume were made (outsourced) by the builder (the old legendary Fat Jack). I am guessing possibly through Hall Pantera. I can take some close up if you want with a ruler next to it. I have receipts about 2" thick on that car, so I could look there too. Email me if you want: ciao4u2@aol.com
This in the link below shows what Hall has, but maybe they could do the red logo: