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I obtained this wheel some years ago for way too much money. It is not from a Pantera but from the original car that used that wheel, a Lancia.

I am using a Grant key lock removable wheel hub for my three spoke LeCarra wheel. I am in the process of mounting the two spoke to a second Grant hub so I can interchange the two wheels.

With due diligence on eBay I did manage to find the proper ghia steering wheel center emblem and have mounted it in a generic horn button kit.




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Last edited by George P

I thought the vented grip was more practical. The smooth leather gets shiny in spots from your sweaty hands polishing the leather.

It's very hard to keep uniform looking.

This is the 350mm Momo "Competition" wheel with Wilkinson's stainless steel quick release mechanism.

It's duller (reduced glare) finish stays more consistent looking. The leather is perforated and basically eliminates the need for driving gloves.

I HAD the LeCarra wheel in the car when I bought it. At some point it seemed outdated and after the quick disconnect became available it was for sure a goner. Cool



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Last edited by George P
Originally posted by pantera chris:
I am changing to a Momo wheel, do the adapters on ebay work???

Oye vey! Boobbabla!

The adapters are specific to the Pantera. They are solid aluminum, and not the whimpy collision collapsible type that the sissy fagot boys use.

I'm very sure that I got mine from the Momo dealer with the wheel...and yes they were on Ebay.

There ARE some reliable people selling on there BUT one needs to be able to distinguish them from the Unicorn dealers?

Hall and Wilkinson both carry them in stock.
Last edited by panteradoug
Originally posted by Piney:
Hey Jan, beautiful interiors! Your cars make mine look like it´s ready for the junkyard.

On a side note, are your floor mats all custom made? I have a particular interest in the type with the red logo, (in your red GT5S, I presume).

Any info would be great, thanks!

Thanks! Yes, the red logo mats are I presume were made (outsourced) by the builder (the old legendary Fat Jack). I am guessing possibly through Hall Pantera. I can take some close up if you want with a ruler next to it. I have receipts about 2" thick on that car, so I could look there too. Email me if you want:

This in the link below shows what Hall has, but maybe they could do the red logo:
Originally posted by pantera chris:
new Momo

I'm surprised that Chris is the only one so far to show a D shaped steering wheel. I've had mine since 2001 and think it's the only way to go, and I'm only 5' 10" tall with normal length legs! I also like the contoured grip areas which make it very comfortable.

I got the hub and removable adapter from Panteras by Wilkinson. Not only is it a good theft deterrent but it also makes it really easy to work under the dash in the footwell area! I believe mine is 340 mm (about 13") but others may be available. My particular model is out of production but can be found on eBay. Chris' is in production. His is the Trek model, but others are available. Just google Momo D shaped steering wheel or flat bottomed in place of D. To restrict to what may be available now, click on tools and "Past year" or what ever. Try clicking on images too.

I don't know what hub Chris used, but the Trek wheel doesn't look like it would work with Wilkinson's removable adapter. You need one with a hole in the center and clear access to the standard mounting holes.



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Last edited by George P
One of the things I am noticing is that the LaCarra has more "dish" to it then the standard Momo's.

I sold my LaCarra without checking that so now I am just guessing at that number?

Looks like the LaCarra is about a 1 to a 1-1/2" deep dish and the Momo's maybe just a slight one at maybe 1/2".

That definitely is going to give the clearance for your right leg and serving the same purpose as the D wheel.

For you D guys, I did try a Momo D wheel and it didn't give me the clearance that I was looking for.

I'm thinking of trying various offset wheels, i.e., 2", 3" and seeing if the combination works better?
Originally posted by over50:
My car came with a LeCarra steering wheel. It is 13 1/2" OD and has a 1 1/2" deep dish. It also has a bow away from the dash at the top. I don't have any leg clearance problems. It is very comfortable to drive with the top bow.

I don't understand what you mean by a "bow" in the wheel?
Do you mean the "dish"?
Can you post a picture?

It is hard to get a picture that shows. I looked at the LeCarra website but it isn't very good about details of the wheels they sell. This might be what they call a Mark 4 but I'm not sure. You will have to call LeCarra to find out what I actually have. The top of the wheel bows toward the driver about an inch.
I'll try to get more pictures or measurements if you want.



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Last edited by George P
I've been reading "customer reviews" of various steering wheels.

One thing that I noticed that comes up is "flimsy".

I'm not a novice to aftermarket steering wheels and have never come across this before so it has my attention.

Personally I can't even imagine how I personally could bend or twist these things up UNLESS they were in some kind of an accident where the wheel was subject to some kind of an impact?

Even the "Chinese" versions are made with a similar thickness to the aluminum frames.

The only thing that would vary would be the alloy involved?

I think I remember something about the wood rim wheels being involved in splintering in collisions where as the leather covered tend to bend and absorb the impacts.

Finding a genuine Pantera Ferrero Wheel will be very very very difficult. Your best option is to seek out the similar model Ferrero Wheel used on other autos. It may not have the proper lettering as found on the Pantera version, though.6A8F4B30-AA83-45AB-940F-DD40B3A33410

finding the correct Ghia  horn button will be more difficult than finding the steering wheel. I don’t believe I have ever seen a correct one offered for sale. I was able to locate an acceptable Ghia emblem and adapted it to a generic horn button for a close but not OEM correct look.

this is a correct OEM horn button


this is my creation 😕😕


locating a hub will be a little bit easier if you can find a hub designed for our capri column. They are not very common. For some reason the Ferrero Wheel uses a 75 mm PCD bolt pattern. The closest you will be able to find will be 74 mm PCD. I found if you oversize the six mounting holes of the wheel, an acceptable mating can be accomplished.

this is currently on eBay italy




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I have never seen any adapter offered with the Ferrero 75 mm PCD.

The two spoke I purchased from Europe many years ago was still mounted to the Lancia OEM hub.

as Dennis Q had adapted a Grant removable security key-locked hub to  2511 for the LeCarra Wheel, I wanted the two spoke to be interchangeable with the LeCarra.

The grant security lock is designed for their proprietary three bolt PCD wheels, so I purchased a second security lock (just to obtain the removable wheel-attached portion) and the appropriate three hole to six hole 74 mm PCD adapter.

The conversion done by Dennis used a no-longer-made capri three hole hub adapter made years ago by Grant, so signal canceling is not an issue with this assembly.




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I recently replaced my stock steering wheel. I wanted a Nardi but I discovered that the mounting hole pattern was larger than a Momo (74mm vs. 70mm). I found a hub adapter that was drilled and tapped for both, but I really wanted a Detomaso center emblem. Ron McCall offers a really nice center cap but it's drilled to fit a Momo wheel. I searched ebay for Nardi horn buttons and luckily found one with a Detomaso logo from a guy in Germany. The wheel I bought is smaller than stock (330mm) so I gained a little leg room in the process.


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