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Thank you to all of the registered users who have responded thus far to my survey regarding whether we should limit this Bulletin Board to registered users only for posting purposes. Anybody could browse the postings without registering.
55 registered users have responded and the vast majority indicated their preference for registration.
The reasons for leaving things as is and not requiring registration are as follows:
1) Inconvenience of having to log in, particularly if the user visits the site more than once a day.
2) The difficulty of having to remember another user i.d. and password.
3) The risk that a potential seller or buyer may chose not to register and thereby deprive the community of an opportunity to purchase or sell an item.
4) There is no proof that registration would prevent problems such has occured in the Fudd matter.
5) That my survey did not provide enough information to make a decision on registration.
Quite a few of the responses indicated that our Bulletin Board is an exception to the rule in terms of registration and that most Boards require registration.
We are continuing to review the matter and we will post our final decision. Thank you again for taking the time to reply. Best wishes for the New Year.
Paige, Linda and Dave Adler
Directors, Pantera International
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