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I think I have some flying termites in my garage. I am planning on starting the Pantera in the garage running outside for a while, then running back in to shut down the car (and get out without taking a breath). Maybe that will kill the buggars! I don't want to shut down my water heater flame though that is in the garage (is exhaust gas flamable?).
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Carbon monoxide may do them in, if the concentration gets high enough. But at that level, it may also put out the hot water heater pilot light, which will then allow natural gas to flow into your garage. So be REAL careful afterwards to air things out before tuning any lights on etc (I'd shut the gas off first). When I had a small infestation in CA some years ago, I found the little buggers didn't care for half a can of WD-40 sprayed up into their ceiling nest- areas! Never saw any evidence of them again.
While playing carpenter this weekend I "found" a butt-load of wasps and a brown recluse spider (more poisonous than a black widow) . . . . . no one seemed to like the windex (glass plus?) I spritzed on them.
We nuked the spider with real bug killer stuff and sealed her in a jar.

would 2 four barrels make less mid-range?
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