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What ratio is stamped on your current angle drive? Do you have a -1 or -2 ZF?

There are actually four ratios available for the angle drive two each for VDO and Veglia Borletti, depending whether your speedo is km/h or mph (ratios are 1.1:1 or 1:1) The back of your speedo will also be stamped with a ratio either 1600 rev/min or 1200 rev/min, knowing these you can work out which drive gear ratio you need. Finding the correct one will probably mean going to a vendor and spending around $250. Lloyd Butfoy at RBT Trans would likely help out on what you need and have some kicking around.

Alternative is to go with one of the hot rodder variable drives, where you can adjust for tire size etc. if you have aftermarket wheels. The next level is to go for one of the electronic types that are wireless to the speedo, but this will involve a new speedo or getting the components installed into your DT speedo if keeping an original look is a factor.
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