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Not sure if this is helpful but sometimes any little trace can be that one you need to move forward.

I stumbled across a gentleman on Facebook. He was located in the states and had an impressive inventory of Campy's in various conditions from original to restored. Some in need of restoration. I remember spending a lot of time looking at his inventory and thinking about how he had carved out a nice little niche market. I could see from the 'sold' listings that he had moved an impressive number of wheels. Sadly, I can't seem to find him today.  I strongly encourage you to post in the DeTomaso groups on Facebook. I know some don't prefer that platform (and I concur with those feelings) but when you want to take a drink you must go where the water is. If you like, I can make the posting on your behalf and then relay the responses to you via email.


Good luck


For any old magnesium wheel, don't neglect to bake them every 10 years or so to re-anneal the stress build-up out of them. This is a technique I found working in aerospace and in the military that can be done at home in Mom's oven, as its done at low temp (275-300 F). Also works on Halibrands and other racing wheels. Not necessary on aluminum wheels.

Hi Simon,

There's a guy a couple of miles from me that has lots of parts.  His local Craigslist add runs weekly and the listing seems to imply he has new and used Campys.  Fair warning he seems to be high on the prices last time I was there. 

I looked thru his parts in the early stages of my Pantera journey.

I don't mind going to inspect parts for you if you can make contact with him.

Hopefully you can see the link here for his add. 

Detomaso Pantera Parts - auto parts - by owner - vehicle automotive sale - craigslist



@jwelch68 posted:

Hi Simon,

There's a guy a couple of miles from me that has lots of parts.  His local Craigslist add runs weekly and the listing seems to imply he has new and used Campys.  Fair warning he seems to be high on the prices last time I was there.

I looked thru his parts in the early stages of my Pantera journey.

I don't mind going to inspect parts for you if you can make contact with him.

Hopefully you can see the link here for his add.

Detomaso Pantera Parts - auto parts - by owner - vehicle automotive sale - craigslist



Hi John,

thanks but for me it's not needed , maybe CAL-DMN can use your help.


Quite a while back, one of the saddest jpegs I've ever seen was posted on the web. It showed a pair of 10" Campys stored for a long time in a backyard shed with a leaky roof. Both wheels were solid blocks of white magnesium powder. I told the owner they were beyond safe restoration.  Sorry I didn't keep the photo. This was back when a pair was selling for $500-$600 each.

Rocky, they will hand sand them, take out defects in old finish and sand out curb rash, no blasting or annealing.  Owner doesn’t believe in annealing magnesium.  They will then apply adhesion promoter, paint to match, clear coat, and bake the paint.  They spun them to make sure they were true, first.  They will then mount and balance the new tires.  Alloy Wheel Repair of Santa Barbara, in Goleta.  Small shop.

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