Great map Mark. You picked all the great day drives out of Canmore. I would add Kananaskis south on #40 to #541 to Longview, back through Turner Valley and Bragg Creek. It's a great scenic drive. I do this one on the bike a lot. There are all kinds of stops, stretches, hikes, photo ops along any of your routes. I'm sure Blake knows them all. Shopping and spas and the like will be best in Canmore and Banff. My wife will not be interested in five or six straight, full days in any car, never mind this one. I'm going to treat this as a kinda mini vacation and slow down and relax a bit from the everyday grind.
My straw says NO to the mechanic but I'm in the position where I can have mine towed home and leave it if I have to. I will certainly go along with the majority decision.
Doug M
The mechanic would cost $100 per day honourarium, $50 per day for meals, plus fuel to a maximum of $400. I will either supply or pay for everything else. This comes to $1,450, or $145 per person if there will be ten of us, $72.50 if there are twenty of us, and so on.
If there is no interest in going further than 200km, then perhaps there is no point to the trailer. My advocacy of this was based on the expectation that we would be ranging into some under-policed and, therefore, remote driver's roads. We don't need a trailer if we are just going shopping to Banff.
If our radius is going to be no more than 200km, then I can leave the trailer at Blake's house so that if we have a disabled car then I can always take a quick run back to get it.
I think we should reconsider the VHF radios too. If we are in remote areas with no cell coverage, then they are essential to keeping a large group together and safe. However, if we are going with the more leisurely option, then we can get away with cell phones and cheap walkie talkies.
Your call, guys. [pun intended
If there is no interest in going further than 200km, then perhaps there is no point to the trailer. My advocacy of this was based on the expectation that we would be ranging into some under-policed and, therefore, remote driver's roads. We don't need a trailer if we are just going shopping to Banff.
If our radius is going to be no more than 200km, then I can leave the trailer at Blake's house so that if we have a disabled car then I can always take a quick run back to get it.
I think we should reconsider the VHF radios too. If we are in remote areas with no cell coverage, then they are essential to keeping a large group together and safe. However, if we are going with the more leisurely option, then we can get away with cell phones and cheap walkie talkies.
Your call, guys. [pun intended

I don't care where we go or how close or far we travel. But I do care about the low turnout!
If 6 of us are prepared to travel almost 6,000 miles to do this, then I would expect more than 4 of the local owners to show up.
I count almost 40 cars and 36 owners on my Western Owners list - from BC, AB and MB. If half of them are running that should be 20.
I want to see Panteras twisting round the mountains for miles. There's a post here from the last BC meeting with pics of over 20 cars. What's up with that?
I don't want to sound negative, but maybe Canmore is too far for many of them to get to. If it means we have to travel another 500 miles to go into BC, so be it. If that will make the cars show up, and maybe bring our US owners out as well, then fine.
Let's light a fire under some folks and find out.
If 6 of us are prepared to travel almost 6,000 miles to do this, then I would expect more than 4 of the local owners to show up.
I count almost 40 cars and 36 owners on my Western Owners list - from BC, AB and MB. If half of them are running that should be 20.
I want to see Panteras twisting round the mountains for miles. There's a post here from the last BC meeting with pics of over 20 cars. What's up with that?
I don't want to sound negative, but maybe Canmore is too far for many of them to get to. If it means we have to travel another 500 miles to go into BC, so be it. If that will make the cars show up, and maybe bring our US owners out as well, then fine.
Let's light a fire under some folks and find out.
All good points above. I'll throw in my vote for the sag wagon and mechanic.
And I totally agree with Doug's suggestion on the drive down Kananaskis 40 south. We can see who's car smokes the most at 7000 ft ASL!
I'll also need a "personal" day in there to go to Calgary, I have a friend with a new G35 I need to see to show him what a real car can do
Peter I see your point about the Nelson/Kaslo area, I agree the drives there are beautiful. The mountains are also more dramatic, more on top of you than other places we're talking about so the guys from out east here will enjoy them. Nelson is also very close to the border so maybe there's a chance to encourage the Seattle/Spokane/Idaho owners to come up for a visit? If this is the case I don't mind the extra drive as long as we can split the drives up with a couple nice breaks.
For those of you who haven't been to Nelson it's like a smaller version of San Fran, with more hippies
And I totally agree with Doug's suggestion on the drive down Kananaskis 40 south. We can see who's car smokes the most at 7000 ft ASL!
I'll also need a "personal" day in there to go to Calgary, I have a friend with a new G35 I need to see to show him what a real car can do

Peter I see your point about the Nelson/Kaslo area, I agree the drives there are beautiful. The mountains are also more dramatic, more on top of you than other places we're talking about so the guys from out east here will enjoy them. Nelson is also very close to the border so maybe there's a chance to encourage the Seattle/Spokane/Idaho owners to come up for a visit? If this is the case I don't mind the extra drive as long as we can split the drives up with a couple nice breaks.
For those of you who haven't been to Nelson it's like a smaller version of San Fran, with more hippies

I certainly want to come. No question about that. I have my car up on jackstands doing some winter work. If all goes as planned I will have all work done and the car running reliably by April. However I will not know how the work has gone until the time comes to drive it. If it looks like the modifications have fixed all of the bugs I will do everything I can to make it. If I am not 100% sure the problems are resolved Im not going to risk driving 600 miles away from home. Im not worried about the car so much It would just be an enormous pain in the ass. Because of this I dont want to give a definite yes. It will also depend on available funds and my proficiency at sweet talking my spouse. I know the Vancouver guys all have reliable cars as well as the Washington crowd. Its just tough for people to make that kind of commitment as not everyone has the same degree of flexibilty with their home/work life. I certainly hope this works out as it would be an awesome opportunity for the guys on the West Coast to have a gathering like Vegas or Pocono without having to travel thousands of miles.
Blaine "Keeping fingers crossed" Carmena
Blaine "Keeping fingers crossed" Carmena
Hello all.
I recently joined the Forum and am stoked to see that there are, in fact, several active Pantera owners in the AB/BC region. I live in Calgary and, while I do not have a Pantera (yet!), my search has been underway for some time. I am attending the POCA Rally in Las Vegas in May and hope to make a purchase shortly thereafter.
Anyway, please contact me directly if you live in the Calgary area. I am also in Edmonton and Vancouver for business often and would like to see your Pantera (if you're up to giving me a tour)!
I look forward to hearing back from some fellow Pantera enthusiasts.
I recently joined the Forum and am stoked to see that there are, in fact, several active Pantera owners in the AB/BC region. I live in Calgary and, while I do not have a Pantera (yet!), my search has been underway for some time. I am attending the POCA Rally in Las Vegas in May and hope to make a purchase shortly thereafter.
Anyway, please contact me directly if you live in the Calgary area. I am also in Edmonton and Vancouver for business often and would like to see your Pantera (if you're up to giving me a tour)!
I look forward to hearing back from some fellow Pantera enthusiasts.
Welcome Eric,
I live in Calgary and purchased my car last April. I would be happy to give you a "tour" of my pantera and why I picked this particular car. While I am certainly not the expert some of the other owners are, I did do lots of research before I went shopping. I can also share the ups and downs of my experience in purchasing a car out of the US. Look forward to meeting with you.
Send me a private message and I will give you my address and phone #'s.
Doug M
I live in Calgary and purchased my car last April. I would be happy to give you a "tour" of my pantera and why I picked this particular car. While I am certainly not the expert some of the other owners are, I did do lots of research before I went shopping. I can also share the ups and downs of my experience in purchasing a car out of the US. Look forward to meeting with you.
Send me a private message and I will give you my address and phone #'s.
Doug M
quote:Originally posted by deeb:
I don't want to sound negative, but maybe Canmore is too far for many of them to get to. If it means we have to travel another 500 miles to go into BC, so be it. If that will make the cars show up, and maybe bring our US owners out as well, then fine.
David: Your idea is a good one, but Blake has been kind enough to serve as our host in Canmore for this trip. Perhaps we could consider doing something based in the BC interior in 2009.
I trust and hope that more western DeTomaso owners will commit soon.
My quick and rough counting of the votes on the mechanic and trailer question are three for, and four against (that is, four in favour of short trips not needing a mechanic or recovery trailer).
I'm going to cut this off as of next weekend, because I owe the mechanic an answer, and I want to get down to route planning. Therefore, either post here (or PM me if you are shy) before then or forever hold your peace.
I'm going to cut this off as of next weekend, because I owe the mechanic an answer, and I want to get down to route planning. Therefore, either post here (or PM me if you are shy) before then or forever hold your peace.
I am in favor of short trips. There is a trailer in town that possibly can be borrowed(or rented) if we have a truck to pull it. I really don't see the need for a mechanic if short trips are what we agree to for the four main days. Highwood Pass and back through Bragg Creek(or Calgary); Golden Triangle(Castle Junction, Radium, (add Invermere), Golden, Lake Louise); Icefields Parkway(towards Jasper) to the Icefields Centre and back; a "free day" to possibly just hang out....Emerald Lake Lodge, Post Hotel in Lake Louise or the Delta in Kananaskis for a late lunch with supper in Banff and shopping for the girls. If Canmore is too far for the Western owners(US participants), my next perfered location would be Victoria. The interior gets way too hot....Victoria is always pleasant.
If the four main days will be reserved for short trips as recommended by Blake, then I recommend we consider one or two longer circuits for the other four days.
One we should think about is the loop through Bragg Creek, Okotoks and south on 22, then west through the Crowsnest Pass to Cranbrook, north to Invermere, west to Banff and then back to Canmore. We can hit Fairmont Hotsprings on the way.
It is about 780 km, so we could break that up into two easy days by staying in either Cranbrook, Kimberly, or the Fairmont Hotsprings. If that is too long for anyone, they can opt out and do their own "free days". Or we could organize an alternative itinerary for them. Or we could meet them in Banff or Invermere.
Another possible circuit, but one with no obvious overnight stop, would be to go east to Ghost Lake, then north to Rocky Mountain House on hwys 40 & 591(lots of straight stretches and typical Alberta terrain), then west into the park (we can stop at Nordegg to see the Ram Falls (I'll check if there is pavement all the way in from the hwy to the falls)), south on the Icefields Parkway to Banff, then back East to Canmore. It is a 660km drive, which could be done in one day (in 4 hours if DEEB is in the lead). If there is an appetite to make this into an overnight trip, we could turn north on the Icefields Parkway to grab a hotel in Jasper and then back south the next day. This would turn it into a 971 km trip in total.
I'm not married to any one of these ideas - just tossing them out there to see what everyone thinks. I will be happy doing Blake's recommended easy days too -- I just want to run some scenarios by you and get some feedback as to what your preferences are. Keep in mind we have a full week to plan for, so limiting ourselves to short day trips will mean you will be driving the same routes and, obviously, not seeing as much of the country as you could if you were prepared to drive a little further.
If you are worried about the WAF (Wife Acceptability Factor), I suspect once the ladies see the incredible scenery they will be driving through, then any objections to driving distances will melt away. We will also make sure to plan for lots of stops at sites of interest as well as for good meals, and photo ops.
One we should think about is the loop through Bragg Creek, Okotoks and south on 22, then west through the Crowsnest Pass to Cranbrook, north to Invermere, west to Banff and then back to Canmore. We can hit Fairmont Hotsprings on the way.
It is about 780 km, so we could break that up into two easy days by staying in either Cranbrook, Kimberly, or the Fairmont Hotsprings. If that is too long for anyone, they can opt out and do their own "free days". Or we could organize an alternative itinerary for them. Or we could meet them in Banff or Invermere.
Another possible circuit, but one with no obvious overnight stop, would be to go east to Ghost Lake, then north to Rocky Mountain House on hwys 40 & 591(lots of straight stretches and typical Alberta terrain), then west into the park (we can stop at Nordegg to see the Ram Falls (I'll check if there is pavement all the way in from the hwy to the falls)), south on the Icefields Parkway to Banff, then back East to Canmore. It is a 660km drive, which could be done in one day (in 4 hours if DEEB is in the lead). If there is an appetite to make this into an overnight trip, we could turn north on the Icefields Parkway to grab a hotel in Jasper and then back south the next day. This would turn it into a 971 km trip in total.
I'm not married to any one of these ideas - just tossing them out there to see what everyone thinks. I will be happy doing Blake's recommended easy days too -- I just want to run some scenarios by you and get some feedback as to what your preferences are. Keep in mind we have a full week to plan for, so limiting ourselves to short day trips will mean you will be driving the same routes and, obviously, not seeing as much of the country as you could if you were prepared to drive a little further.
If you are worried about the WAF (Wife Acceptability Factor), I suspect once the ladies see the incredible scenery they will be driving through, then any objections to driving distances will melt away. We will also make sure to plan for lots of stops at sites of interest as well as for good meals, and photo ops.
Hey Guys,
Not being very familiar myself with the locations and actual driving distances, is it possible for someone to make up some sort or preliminary day-by-day itinerary that shows what is being proposed? I will probably sit out the days that involve 1000 km drives since even if my car and wife would be up for it, my ass surely wouldn't be (1971 seats...).
If the event consists primarily of short runs then I agree the need for a trailer may not be as great. I will sit on the fence and accept whatever the majority decision is on this. I'm sure most of us have CAA coverage, which I hadn't considered.
It sounds like there are lots of great ideas being proposed, but soon they need to be formulated into something that everyone can review and say Yes or No to so we can start booking holidays, flights etc. My vote is for a nice, balanced mix of everything: great scenery, great roads, great meeting and rest-stops.
Other than the expected 6 of us from the east, how many western owners are on-board so far? Peter, Blake, Doug, Marcus, Herman,...? Anybody from Washington planning to join the fun?
Not being very familiar myself with the locations and actual driving distances, is it possible for someone to make up some sort or preliminary day-by-day itinerary that shows what is being proposed? I will probably sit out the days that involve 1000 km drives since even if my car and wife would be up for it, my ass surely wouldn't be (1971 seats...).
If the event consists primarily of short runs then I agree the need for a trailer may not be as great. I will sit on the fence and accept whatever the majority decision is on this. I'm sure most of us have CAA coverage, which I hadn't considered.
It sounds like there are lots of great ideas being proposed, but soon they need to be formulated into something that everyone can review and say Yes or No to so we can start booking holidays, flights etc. My vote is for a nice, balanced mix of everything: great scenery, great roads, great meeting and rest-stops.
Other than the expected 6 of us from the east, how many western owners are on-board so far? Peter, Blake, Doug, Marcus, Herman,...? Anybody from Washington planning to join the fun?
Peter and Doug are on board...Marcus and Blaine would have to drive approx 12 hours to reach Canmore. I am not familiar with any of the other Pantera owners in Western Canada/US. I am hoping the Canmore event will change this. The day trips that I planned are no more than approx. 4 hours of driving with beautiful scenery and great stops for eating, shopping and hiking....well balanced enjoyment. We really do not have many road choices. The drives that I have mentioned will not be super long. The scenery is absolutely stunning. If you are into the outdoors, this is a most wonderful place. I suggest staying in the area for a few weeks. Vancouver is a 10 hour drive. The route through Whistler is very entertaining...lots of curves and natural beauty.
I think a lot of people that would be interested may not be tracking this forum. While I can't speak for them, I think "Ted#9494" in Edmonton would be one. "GT5KR" (sorry,I don't know names) showed an interest earlier in this post. Maybe Blaine can give him a phone call. I think we should make an announcement on the events forum as well for the NW US owners who may not be looking at this Canadian forum. I will try and contact the one other Calgary owner I have met so far. Also, the one of one factory Mangusta Spyder is apparantly in Calgary. I will try to find the owner and coax him to bring the car out of hiding.
I mean, holy crap, we should not be out numbered by the people who are coming (at considerable expense) all the way from eastern Canada.
Doug M
I mean, holy crap, we should not be out numbered by the people who are coming (at considerable expense) all the way from eastern Canada.
Doug M
I'm with Mark.
We have to book flights (hopefully on points) and hotels. This event comes right after Pocono and will require some juggling to be out of the office again so soon. So a detailed day by day itinerary ASAP would be great.
As much as I'd like to spend a month cruising the Rockies I am probably looking at 4 or 5 days only (Thursday-Monday). So let's try to get that part of the trip worked out fast.
Not that I'm afraid of long runs, but given the time frame and the WAF, it looks like short trips with an overnighter in Jasper would be the way to go.
We have to book flights (hopefully on points) and hotels. This event comes right after Pocono and will require some juggling to be out of the office again so soon. So a detailed day by day itinerary ASAP would be great.
As much as I'd like to spend a month cruising the Rockies I am probably looking at 4 or 5 days only (Thursday-Monday). So let's try to get that part of the trip worked out fast.
Not that I'm afraid of long runs, but given the time frame and the WAF, it looks like short trips with an overnighter in Jasper would be the way to go.
I will confirm the spring opening of Highwood Pass and plan the driving trip schedule with Peter and Doug.
Thanks Guys!
Doug, I spoke with the Spyder Mangusta owner a few years back. His name escapes me now, but it was Fred something. You'll not get him to bring that car out for something like this, BUT if you can arrange a tour of his collection, I will personally pay for your dinner one night we're there (you may have to remind me that I agreed to pay, but I will
). I guarantee that unless he has liquidated a lot of it, it would be a VERY worthwhile detour.
Doug, I spoke with the Spyder Mangusta owner a few years back. His name escapes me now, but it was Fred something. You'll not get him to bring that car out for something like this, BUT if you can arrange a tour of his collection, I will personally pay for your dinner one night we're there (you may have to remind me that I agreed to pay, but I will

quote:Originally posted by a734me:
...I think "Ted#9494" in Edmonton would be one. "GT5KR" (sorry,I don't know names) showed an interest earlier in this post. Maybe Blaine can give him a phone call. I think we should make an announcement on the events forum as well for the NW US owners who may not be looking at this Canadian forum...Doug M
Ted has confirmed, but I think Herman ("GT5KR") is still tentative. I will give him a call. As for the rest of the guys in Western Canada, I sent them all a written invitation last week. This was then forwarded by POCA NW chapter to DeTomaso owners in Washington. I have not had a single response.

My next plan of attack is to phone everyone. If that doesn't work, I plan to take this all personally and sulk a lot, followed by some good old wallowing in self-pity.
I will be traveling on business for the next week, but will be able to work with Doug & Blake on route planning after that.
I shall post an itinerary for the Canmore event in the next few days - June 13th-16th. I met with Deeb last week in Montreal. He took me to see his car....nice Pantera!
Canmore Pantera Meet - June 13th-16th, 2008
June 13th - The Golden Triangle
-breakfast at Summit Cafe in Canmore
-Hwy #1 to Castle Junction/#93 to Radium, BC(Yoho National Park Hot Springs for a dip)/side trip to Invermere, BC.(a bit of shopping)/a slight backtrack to Golden, BC - lunch at the top of Kicking Horse(Eagle's Eye Restaurant) and a visit with Boo the bear( on route #1 to Canmore through Kicking Horse Pass and Lake Louise
-supper in Banff - St. James Gate Irish Pub
June 14th - Easy going day
-brunch at The Quarry in Canmore
-#1 west to Takaka Falls in BC
-Emerald Lake Lodge - hike around the lake - must wear off the calories from lunch(absolutey stunning area!)
-Lake Louise - Post Hotel for cocktails
-return to Canmore
-Crazyweed for supper
June 15th - Canmore Car Show
-breakfast is up to you(no plans)
-10AM - the annual Canmore Show and Shine(a good turnout of fine Panteras would be appreciated)...remain until 12:30-1:00PM.
-#1 east to Hwy #40 south - Kananaskis Country
-late lunch at The Pub in Kananaskis Village(site of the G-8 summit a few years back)
-continue south on #40 to Longview/north on 22 to Millarville/backroads to Bragg Creek and then to Cochrane/#1A back into Canmore
-picnic supper at Mount Norquay in Banff(Banff restaurant if weather does not permit)
June 16th - Brewster Icefields Centre
-breakfast at Melissa's in Banff
-#1 west to Lake Louise/Icefields Parkway to Brewster's Centre(Snowcoach ride on the glacier)
-lunch at Num-Ti-Ja Lodge(Icefields Parkway)
-Lake Louise - Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise for a walk down the lake - Plain of the Six Glaciers/cocktails at the Chateau
-back to Canmore - BBQ at Blake's
June 13th - The Golden Triangle
-breakfast at Summit Cafe in Canmore
-Hwy #1 to Castle Junction/#93 to Radium, BC(Yoho National Park Hot Springs for a dip)/side trip to Invermere, BC.(a bit of shopping)/a slight backtrack to Golden, BC - lunch at the top of Kicking Horse(Eagle's Eye Restaurant) and a visit with Boo the bear( on route #1 to Canmore through Kicking Horse Pass and Lake Louise
-supper in Banff - St. James Gate Irish Pub
June 14th - Easy going day
-brunch at The Quarry in Canmore
-#1 west to Takaka Falls in BC
-Emerald Lake Lodge - hike around the lake - must wear off the calories from lunch(absolutey stunning area!)
-Lake Louise - Post Hotel for cocktails
-return to Canmore
-Crazyweed for supper
June 15th - Canmore Car Show
-breakfast is up to you(no plans)
-10AM - the annual Canmore Show and Shine(a good turnout of fine Panteras would be appreciated)...remain until 12:30-1:00PM.
-#1 east to Hwy #40 south - Kananaskis Country
-late lunch at The Pub in Kananaskis Village(site of the G-8 summit a few years back)
-continue south on #40 to Longview/north on 22 to Millarville/backroads to Bragg Creek and then to Cochrane/#1A back into Canmore
-picnic supper at Mount Norquay in Banff(Banff restaurant if weather does not permit)
June 16th - Brewster Icefields Centre
-breakfast at Melissa's in Banff
-#1 west to Lake Louise/Icefields Parkway to Brewster's Centre(Snowcoach ride on the glacier)
-lunch at Num-Ti-Ja Lodge(Icefields Parkway)
-Lake Louise - Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise for a walk down the lake - Plain of the Six Glaciers/cocktails at the Chateau
-back to Canmore - BBQ at Blake's