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Ohhhh Boy! I went through this when I bought my car. The passenger door didn�t fit correctly at all. It would hit low and not close flush with the body. I had spent a couple of hours looking for the misalignment myself and gave up. I ended up bring it to a body shop that was my old race sponsor. Let me tell ya.. it was scary watching him work on it. He used tools 7 feet long that grabbed the door from different angles. And he tells me �you might not want to watch�. He had to bend the door back into shape to fit. After a couple of yanks on the bars, It closed like it was new. Because of age the door can droop and may need to be re-formed. I suggest finding a very good shop. See if they work exotic high-end cars. And just close your eyes.....
Thanks, I did this process and it seemed to work. The door lined up perfectly...... until I put the door panel back on. It didn't close all the way with about an 1/8" gap between the body and closed door. I pulled off the body/door weatherstrip and it closed perfectly flush with the body. Seems if I could move the the door jamb just a bit to the left, it might work, but its all the way over already. Any thoughts?
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