Heya guys, my carb is "okay" in it's totally stock, late 74 set up (4300d) but the car sat forever prior to being "refreshed" except for the carb.
I'd like to replace/maintain the fuel components: carb, pump, lines, other.
In an effort to keep the car original but as reliable as I can make it, I've decided to get Pony Carb to redo my 4300d. In the "while you're in there" mode, what would you recommend that I do or DO NOT do while in this procedure?
I'm taking the carb off myself, and plan on detailing everything I can reach. The vacuum lines are junky, choke bits surface rusted, so as much as I can get done while I'm in that area, I'd appreciate your input.
Any info is recieved appreciatively!
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