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...The Flathead Screws need to be trimmed to flush. I need to Machine Beefier Stainless Pins.

Then...Final Assembly with Meticulously Measured and Machined, Spacers. All 7 Slats aimed where they should be.

I may Drop the idea of a 'Double Jam-Nut +' (adds too much weight) and go with a Exactly Machined Spacer, to set the Angle of Each Louver. Things we can't Predict until the Actual Assembly Process.

Stay Tuned...

Last edited by marlinjack

Percy – I laughed, but I know for a fact, Marlin has a lot of hours into these things!

(I know your comment was a light-hearted one!)

I have just taken a job as the Junior Assistant Apprentice Machinist at the Old Pueblo Trolley Machine Shop and everything that I try to do takes about four times what I expect it will!

What’s that old Machinist saying? You can have it fast, with high quality, and cheap.

Pick Two!

(…. and you’re unlikely to ever get high quality & cheap, no matter how long it takes!)

Last edited by rocky

Thank You, All!! I do appreciate the Support.

Rocky, Congrats on Your Position as 'Main Machinist-Floor Supervisor'! I concur...I have often said, Gathering up all the Tooling, Instruments, Set-Up, More, can Easily take Longer than an 'Hour'...Just to Perform a 3 Minute Operation!!

Thank You!

Last edited by marlinjack

...I have been wanting to recommend this Book for some time.

Any of the members reading this whom have picked up a Drill and Other, to perform 'Machining' Work...Can and will benefit from reading this book. Not cover to cover, but just what you're interested in Learning. Even those with 60+ Years of Machine Shop Experience, will find something in this book, they did Not Know!

As far as 'Machining', if it is NOT in this Book, or another Edition...'It' just Does NOT Exist!

I have had this 22nd Edition since July 1986, I have found No need to purchase a Newer Edition, they are up to the 32nd, now $108.00. I paid $27.00 for this one, and Many can be found on Ebay, for even Less.

I strongly suggest you become a New Owner of One!! The Knowledge Gained Here is Engrossing and Festinating. 2512 PAGES.abcdefgh

Good-Luck and Happy Machining!

Enjoy the Reading!


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...Machinists Also say, and (I) had to say this to a few impatient customers at My old job at LFW.

"An Emergency on Your Part, Does NOT constitute a Emergency On Mine!"

I remember one Job I was doing. I was working on 3 Tiny, 90 Degree Stainless Steel Gearboxes, that were going into a Satellite to Extend Solar Panels. So Small You could hold them in Your Hands! This was late in the Evening-Overtime. I was 'Polishing to FIT' 0.5000" Diameter Shafts, back and forth from test fitting to Lathe. multiple times. While the NASA Engineer Stood Over Me Watching, as I Assembled, and Torqued,  all 3!! I believe they had to be +- 0.0001" Because they were designed to Handle ALL Extremes of Hot and Cold! and NO Grease!!

As far as I know, that Satellite is Still in the Solar System, Or Farther Out. I was Not Told which One it Was, or even the 'Why' they had Me Working on It. NASA does have their own Machine Shops, I Thought.

I put the Gearboxes in his hands, and the Man turned and Left in a hurry, Satisfied...Not even a Thank You!

Marlins' Quote. "You Can't RUSH Precision!" and I was once Accused of 'Moving Too Slow' through the Shop! My reply, "I take offense of that Madam! If I were to Move through this Shop, any Faster, I'd Be RUNNING!"

Last edited by marlinjack

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