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Well, bring the wife to my post-race BBQ on Saturday night...

Monterey Motorsports Reunion Post-Race BBQ
Monterey Car Week is fast approaching... 
All Pantera people and fellow gearheads are invited to my annual post-race BBQ at Laguna Seca immediately following the last race on Saturday, 8/17.   
If you'd like to relax and visit with friends and fellow gearheads after a full day at the races or sitting in the sun at Concorso Italiano, come by and relax with a cold drink, chicken, tri-tip, and other good eats.  Or if you prefer, you could spend an hour sitting in traffic waiting to exit the track. 
Date: Saturday, August 17
Time: Immediately following the last race on Saturday
Cost: $20/person 
Location: Campsite #85 in Can Am Circle (2nd campsite on right as you enter the gate at the top of the hill from Highway 68). 
Please RSVP: If you're planning to attend, please email me so I know how much food to buy AND Venmo or Paypal $20/person to 408-677-8944 or to my email address (
We will be flying a DeTomaso flag on the RV, so we're easy to find.
See you in Monterey!   
Garth #4033


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Please don’t think that sweet little Monterey will be an easy area to traverse in your car during car week. Pretty much becomes like an LA freeway at rush-hour in multiple places. Notably, leaving the track to get to anywhere else after a days enjoyment of racing. Depending on how Monterey traffic has treated you by Saturday, attending Garth’s barbecue might be the most peaceful solution for you 😉

Will we be seeing you at the PCNC Friday evening outdoor dinner?


Thanks Larry - we went to Pebble in 2016 for the 50th Anniversary of the Ford GT race cars (amazing). Agree - horrible traffic during car week. I recall we left Laguna a bit early on that Saturday so we didn't have any problems. Still firming things up (discussions delayed by elderly cat issues) but we are planning on going to the Friday dinner - I'll give Steve a call to confirm.

Garth - your gathering is getting a lot of praise. When would be the last point I could confirm our attendance/payment??

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