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Elizabeth Susan Carmena joined our family at 1:20 Wednesday morning. Janis and I went to the hospital Tuesday at 3:00 PM. Our two caoching assistants (Sister Krista and friend Sherri) met us there at about 6:00. It was a mostly smooth delivery with the only off plan item being Janis pretty well forced into an epidural(which she later was quite happy she had). Janis and Elizabeth are doing fantastic and we are all home now. Looks like its time for me to grow up and face responsibility. I am putting the car up for sale and buckling down.



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Congratulations Blaine! Just wait until she starts telling you the Pantera is going to be "hers!" It will happen sooner than you can imagine. My son (15) and his friends keep asking if he's going to get to drive the Pantera. Sure. NOT!!! Hahahahaha! And my youngest daughter (10) has told me several times that I need to finish restoring the 66 Mustang GT fastback (GT350 clone at present) so it will be ready for her when she gets her license. Yeah right!

Enjoy your family every day!

Reminds me of the story about the guy who told his wife that the [insert your collector car here] would be a good way for them to start saving for the child's college education. Keep the car - it will go up in value - and we can sell it to pay for college when she gets to that point in her life. In the mean time, "we" can still enjoy the car. The cool thing about this plan is that 17 years from now when the child is ready for college, you'll be making a lot more money and will probably be able to afford college without selling the car. %^))

PS. The Pantera with that big engine is an easy car to learn how to drive a stick shift. IMHO, all kids should learn to drive stick at some point. You never know when it may be needed in your life. Besides, it's a good way to do something with your child. Both my girls learned. My 2 cents worth.
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