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I'll add #4903 to the list of "maybe gone" Panteras. Eons ago in Nor-Cal, I started the serial number thing mostly to keep track of such cars. One in our Chapter had been totalled against a mountainside, then the opposite guard rail, and scrapped (using nitrous on curvy roads is a really bad idea!) A year later it reappeared in the same Chapter with a new owner and a new paint job- and no 'salvage' on the title. I told the proud new owner it's past history; he checked with his mechanic. They were less than happy to find the entire right side of the car was a Bondo sculpture! So yours joins the unofficial 'maybe gone, maybe not' list- for now.
Well I was trying to sell it and the new owner was coming for a test drive, so I was driving the car to the gas station to fill it up for him. Well at the stop light right before the gas station the car just caught on fire. I got out and emptied my fire extinguisher on it, even burned the back of my hands while doing so. But the fire just kept on a going. A cop stopped and got a great big huge fire extinguisher out of his trunk and emptied that on the car and it just kept on a burning. Finaly a fire truck came and housed the car down in a flood of water. That finaly put the fire out. Not long after the new owner, who is one hell of a nice guy, and was on his way to pick up the car, saw it sitting there all burnt and wet and with fire extinguisher powder all over it. I thought for sure, he would just look at the car and say "no deal" and just drive away. But he got out and looked the car over, got underneath it and did a real though examination, and he still wanted the car.
But I told him it wasn't fair to him, so I contacted the insurance company like you are supposed to do. Then I had to find someone who would be willing to estimate the repairs, and I finaly did. Then I submitted it to the insurance company and they said it was too much, and I said no it wasn't and we argued for awhile, like a half month. I even went to a lawyer and he read over my policy and he said " you are pretty well screwed" and I kept a fighting cause I really wanted to save the car, but no matter what the insurance company was afraid that the car would be fixed and something would go wrong with it and I would die or something, so they got the car.
The new owner was pretty upset and I can't say that I blame him one bit. He didn't even shoot me or nothing even though no one would have blame him if he did. He even comes to this forum trying to find a Pantera, he is OnebadGTS. I hope someone will help him find another GTS Pantera to buy, cause he really wants one bad. Please if any of you guys run across, one, let ONEBADGTS know.
I'm glad to hear you're ok, and hopefully the burns were minor and healed quickly - things could have been a lot worse (esp. if you'd been able to fill the tank before this happened).

It's tragic that the car was lost, both for you and for the buyer.

If you ever find out what caused the blaze, please let us know, it never hurts to be reminded to check that hoses and wires are tightened and secure.
Thanks guys. The burns weren't bad at all. Mainly singed the hair off. My hands were never near the actual flame, but just the heat from aiming the fire extinguisher did it. It was a hot fire for sure. I think it was the ditributer is what blew up and started the fire. It was just a blob of melted plastic afterward. Must have burned through the gas line that ran right next to it.


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  • Damage_to_engine_and_rear_glass
Terrible story. Glad you are ok. So what is the bottom line? Did you get compensation from the insurance company? Was it at least as much as your original asking price?

It's been my experience that proper, high value insurance, however expensive it may be, is worth fighting for long before something like this happens.
After seeing that car listed, and DeTom's fervent descriptions, updates, and then FINALLY getting an enthusiastic buyer...

Then this.

That is one incredible story. The buyer STILL wanting the car post-fire is even more amazing.

The car will be sold to someone, somewhere, for some amount. Only fair for you and the buyer to find how/when/where so if anything can be extracted - even for sentimental sake - you guys should have a shot.

Still, just amazing. Glad no one was hurt.
Glad you are OK! The Car can be replaced. What Ins. Co. are you with?

Last May I had Pretty much the same experience! I got the fire out, but it messed up the engine bay pretty good and got in to the cabin so alot of interior was burned! All happened in about 20 sec.! I didn't know this old fat boy could move so fast! I have Hagerty Ins. with agreed value! They have been great. They are repairing the car! Although its taking Longer then I was told! (doesn't it always?) I'm sure it will be nice when I get it back!

Again just glad your OK!
Last edited by cuvee
Thanks again guys. The insurance company wound up paying pretty near what the car was really worth. The cost to fix it was estimated as being a good deal less than that, but once a car has been in a fire, it may need more work than you thought, once you dig into it. So I guess it is fair. I had agreed value and that helped. BUt what I didn't know was there was an arbitration clause in there. So you may think you have something you don't really. Anyway they did come around, at least on value, but wouldn't budge about letting me keep the car. Kinda like a parent not wanting their kid to get hurt by a dangerous toy. Mom took my Red Ryder away but gave me a big gift certificate to the hobby store.
After they towed the car away and the guy who was going to estimate the reairs came to the lot to take it to his shop, they were going to put it on the flat bed. Well they needed to unlock the steering column to get it on the truck. Well as soon as they turned the key, dang if it didn't start on fire again, only this time it was just smoke and they turned the key off right away. They dissconected the battery and all was well, but my wife told me, she didn't care if they made the whole car over again from scratch down to the last bolt, my ass was never again to grace the seats of that car. Wives are kinda funny that way, when it comes to almost looseing husbands. She won't even let me smoke anymore either. That can be a pain in the butt, but I guess I understand.
I will miss you guys as I had a lot of fun hanging out here. But thanks again for all you have done for me.

We all feel bad for your situation and really wish that things had turned out differently. I guess none of us really know what could be around the next corner. Hopefully your situation will improve soon and there will be a Pantera in your future again one day. I think once this community becomes a part of your life it's hard to let it go. Please keep in touch here as your humour and grounded perspective has always been appreciated.

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