I think I still have some from a five pack. I think it cost about 12 cents from Radio Shack.
I will send you one, free, don't worry about the cost.
I have your address. All i have to do is remember to look for it tonight.
The inline resistor is 10 ohms 1/2 watt.
This is from SOBill regarding the resistor;
Read the temp gauge article at
If your 260 gauge is like the 260 gauge I tested, you will be more accurate without the resistor.
If you feel you need the resistor, it can go next to the gauge. Attached is a picture of the OEM resistor housing. The big white tubular thingie contains the resistor. It does not come apart.
Let me know how the gauge works without (or with) the resistor.
Have fun,
SOBill Taylor