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Thanks for the heads up. There is a post that Rocky started I think that is asking who has sequential or close to numbers. Rene from over on the other side of the pond has 4406. The Marty report for my car is different as far as original color and VIN date code to what is on my car. So I would like to talk about that if possible. We should move this to another post so we don't hijack this one.


I had a chance to visit his SLC shop a couple of years ago when my best friend, son, and I were out to see the speed trials on the salt flats. His brother-in-law tan tours on Fridays and I have to say we were surprised at how legitimate he is compared to most of the fake reality shows.  They have so many talented craftsmen and put so much time into each car.

They were actively filming the show during our visit. A bunch of the cars we saw them working on that day we’re on his show. We also got to see the upholstery shop next door.

The Pantera was up on a lift when we went thru. It looked like a very clean original car. I love Panteras but didn’t yet own but could tell that was super nice one. It was in queue so I have no idea what they end up doing to it  

I’m sure a lot of people might not like seeing a nice Pantera modified this much but Dave does amazing work and I’m excited to see the final product.

Great to see a show based on a real car business.

I just watched part of the episode on MotorTrend+ (their online streaming service).

Looks like the build is for Ernie Boch Jr out of Massachusetts. His father started a huge group of car dealers and if you live in Ma, there's no way you don't know who he is. He's 6' 2" so they stretch it so he can fit better inside the car. I'm 6' 2" and fit fine in mine but get that it can be tight in a Pantera.

Looks like a really cool build. I imagine it will be on live TV in the next week or two.

They cut up a super clean 72 Pre-L car but it looks like they make a really cool car out of it

I just watched the episode on MT+. If nothing else it is fascinating to see how they cut it and put it back together. I’m more a fan of the original shape than the some of the wild custom stuff. This is definitely more towards the latter with some amount of reserve. It will be 2 episodes. Love the coyote engine! Glad they did not LS it.

I watched the 1st of what I assume is a 2 episode build.

43 minutes of cringes.

There isn't much of the original car left. What they end up with is going to look a lot like an Ares Panther.

Seems like they could have almost as easily kept the green car in the shop to measure and fabbed up the sheet metal as needed to replicate it or, as someone mentioned above, just used fiberglass.

I watched the two parts of this last night. They do some great work there, but what they built is more of a car INSPIRED by the Pantera, or what Dave thinks a modern Pantera would look like. There's maybe 5% of the original car left. Shame they cut up such a nice original car. They could have just used a junker; but the owner says he has three, so maybe it doesn't matter to him. He's apparently some billionaire car dealer.

They didn't show the final version of the car at the end of the episode, but when it's done, I'll be curious how it compares to the Ares "Pantera" and the Ring Bros car. Personally, I think Dave always goes too big with his wheels, and I think he does it again here. I will say the exhaust they built is really cool. I'm very excited to see what they do with the interior too.

I would also love to see the final invoice! I assume this cost the guy close to $1M if not more, hearing how much they charge for cars at that shop now.

Just watched the two episodes tonight...........  I am in shock that the idiots (hey! they knowingly mocked us for the hate mail to come!!!)  carved up such a BEAUTIFUL rust free body, to use so little!   THEN, once they started cutting into the fenders, and THEN THE HOOD, only to refashion a new hood (VERY TALENTED GROUP I MUST SAY!)  from new steel........what a waste!!!!

They rebuilt the door skins, the roof, the front fenders with all new steel, so why not just do the rear fenders to boot and piss off all the cutting and fitting?

I truly wonder if the front fenders will allow any serious movement of the front wheels other than rotating for they really clear during full compression, or is that only 1" of movement?   Oh, wait, what am I thinking? These cars are not made for driving! Only for TV!!!  Then sitting in a collection......!

I can't think of anything that would shock me more than seeing my rust free, low production sports car hacked to bits to do what was done here! (yes I understand many were hacked up for race focussed cars back when......)   For all the wasted time it took them, they could have splashed the entire body for molds to make 'glass or carbon fiber components for fenders, doors, and hoods fr & rr.........!!!!!  Not cut up what looked to be a good honest $100K car!!!!       AT least then they'd have made molds that could support building more customs....since the Roaster Shop seems to have a formula for welding these chassis up! I expect to see more....

I'm just thinking of all the guys with some chassis rust that could be using the discards to repair their cars!!!!  Probably all went into the dumpster......

For as much as Kindig pined about how much he loved these cars, I truly cannot believe he cut such a perfect body up!!!!   Yes I know it was not his car......but since this was a "no pressure build" as evidenced by posts dating back two years of the conceptual ideas being tossed about........he could have sourced another body that wasn't so freaking perfect, AND slime green!!!    Then he wouldn't have had to worry about throwing so many good pieces in the dumpster!  Like total interior, door glass, AC parts, wiring, all the suspension, steering, ZF & 351C............

What I did NOT see in these episodes, was how the engine/trans combo is supposed to be serviced????   It appeared that the firewall was now without access hole.....?   None of the crossmembers appeared to be removable......and OH there a heatshield for the exhaust to prevent that "piece of art" exhaust system from boiling the paint off of the decklid???

Hate the seats..... dash looks like attempt to put any of the originality back in the shifter guide plate......

I feel like the one dude in the shop that hated the car. Period.   Wife took one look at him and was wondering what planet he dropped in from...... hey, what can I say, she married me!!!  I can't talk!

I guess the original car wasn't all that perfect.....the front grill emblem was installed upside down.......


@mangusta posted:

Just watched the two episodes tonight...........  I am in shock that the idiots (hey! they knowingly mocked us for the hate mail to come!!!)  carved up such a BEAUTIFUL rust free body, to use so little!   THEN, once they started cutting into the fenders, and THEN THE HOOD, only to refashion a new hood (VERY TALENTED GROUP I MUST SAY!)  from new steel........what a waste!!!!

They rebuilt the door skins, the roof, the front fenders with all new steel, so why not just do the rear fenders to boot and piss off all the cutting and fitting?

I truly wonder if the front fenders will allow any serious movement of the front wheels other than rotating for they really clear during full compression, or is that only 1" of movement?   Oh, wait, what am I thinking? These cars are not made for driving! Only for TV!!!  Then sitting in a collection......!

I can't think of anything that would shock me more than seeing my rust free, low production sports car hacked to bits to do what was done here! (yes I understand many were hacked up for race focussed cars back when......)   For all the wasted time it took them, they could have splashed the entire body for molds to make 'glass or carbon fiber components for fenders, doors, and hoods fr & rr.........!!!!!  Not cut up what looked to be a good honest $100K car!!!!       AT least then they'd have made molds that could support building more customs....since the Roaster Shop seems to have a formula for welding these chassis up! I expect to see more....

I'm just thinking of all the guys with some chassis rust that could be using the discards to repair their cars!!!!  Probably all went into the dumpster......

For as much as Kindig pined about how much he loved these cars, I truly cannot believe he cut such a perfect body up!!!!   Yes I know it was not his car......but since this was a "no pressure build" as evidenced by posts dating back two years of the conceptual ideas being tossed about........he could have sourced another body that wasn't so freaking perfect, AND slime green!!!    Then he wouldn't have had to worry about throwing so many good pieces in the dumpster!  Like total interior, door glass, AC parts, wiring, all the suspension, steering, ZF & 351C............

What I did NOT see in these episodes, was how the engine/trans combo is supposed to be serviced????   It appeared that the firewall was now without access hole.....?   None of the crossmembers appeared to be removable......and OH there a heatshield for the exhaust to prevent that "piece of art" exhaust system from boiling the paint off of the decklid???

Hate the seats..... dash looks like attempt to put any of the originality back in the shifter guide plate......

I feel like the one dude in the shop that hated the car. Period.   Wife took one look at him and was wondering what planet he dropped in from...... hey, what can I say, she married me!!!  I can't talk!

I guess the original car wasn't all that perfect.....the front grill emblem was installed upside down.......


I'm from Zluto. They just dropped me off here and abandoned me. Unfortunately I didn't get the same benefits as Superman.

Everyone can tell I'm an Alien.

OK, I actually rethought this whole thing, and came to these conclusions...... Kindig was an idiot for not seeing this disaster in the making before trashing a perfectly good car....that he supposedly likes......

The bigger idiot was the owner, who threw away $99K worth of car to use $1K worth of tin, which could have been had from any number of existing basket cases elsewhere on this continent.  NONE of the major/minor panels were used "as is" except perhaps the rear decklid, but wait.....Kindig hasn't finished the car yet.....

Either guy could have reached out to the VERY HARD TO FIND Pantera community to ask for someone with a donor body to use, to test this whole Roadster Shop thing out....  (I apologize if I missed the Ring Bros or anyone else that sorta did this....hopefully not with a perfectly good example of a car to begin with....!)

The fact that this was being discussed two years back and while waiting for RS to complete a chassis, gave two years worth of find such a beast to use. (Presuming the car still actually has not been finished..... but long would it really take to find a rusty body to donate to the cause.......?  15-20 minutes? 

I had to chuckle when Kindig stated something to the effect of "here comes the hate mail" and thought I would never do that.....but NOW after seeing the gross carnage that they inflicted on this car and giving it some thought, I AM THE ONE sewing the non-love factor!!!!  After looking at the car somewhat assembled and with the wheels etc, I lost any love that I may have had for the project's implementation.

If anyone like myself pulled up to a POCA national event, jumped out of their car in mid crowd, and started beating their car to death with a sledge hammer, I'd hope that someone will pull me off of it.......but essentially, that is what this owner AND Kindig did on national TV and they're laughing about it!!!?   What if the car were a 1966 427 Cobra, Yenko Camaro, Cougar,  (yes they made 427 cars!), Hemi Cuda, or a Shelby GT500????

I'd bet that it wouldn't have been done......  (and yes, I understand that it may have been done in the past, when all of the aforementioned cars were pennies on the dollars during the 70's 80's......)  but not today!!!  ....until now.

So Kindig physically and actually destroys a $100K car, get's paid $100K to do so, and the owner likely gets a car that can't negotiate a driveway without a pit crew and wood ramps!  Only a melt down on an episode of "Jersey Shore" could perhaps be more ugly..... 

THATS HOW I FEEL TODAY!    It's ok, call me a hater Dave......I occasionally do like some of the work you guys do, but next time, please display some intelligence if at all blooming possible!!! Please.  Maybe we can blame this disaster on to all of youse brains......


This same thing happened when the Ring Brother's built their Pantera. Some loved it, some hated it and some were actually angry. Love it or hate it, our Panteras all became more valuable because of the exposure that car received. Last I heard it was on loan to the Peterson Museum. The same will happen with the Kindigit Pantera. Many people who have paid little attention to Panteras in the past will now pay attention. A show like this raises the profile of Panteras in general. We, as owners, all benefit accordingly.

Oh, and if you think Kindig got paid $100K to build this car, you're way, way off. Add a zero and you'll be closer.

I understand the argument that any exposure is good exposure, and the last 5 to 10 years have certainly seen a big up turn in the media popularity of the cars we have been in love with for decades.

that being said, prior to our newly recognized car world celebrity status, we were viewed as the red headed step child of the exotic car world. Cheap vinyl interior, hydraulic flat tappet V8 engine, single carburetor, multiple components sourced from parts bins across the world, and early press reviews that were almost universally far from filled with any praise.

In short, our cars were not appreciated because they were not exotic enough. And that attitude has allowed a continual procession of  poorly thought-out  and often poorly executed modified Panteras.

It was almost as though the car world had said,

“Do whatever you want to those poor Panteras, they were never really that good to begin with.”

Despite all of the craftsmanship required, what Kindig did to that beautiful Pantera is arguably the worst defiling of a Pantera anyone has ever done.

He surely did not elevate the ….prestige…. of our cars, but just followed in the irreverent footsteps of similar fools.

”Hi, I’m Dave, and I’m going to completely destroy a beautiful car that really isn’t worth much, so I don’t feel that bad about destroying it.”



Last edited by lf-tp2511

There are car people, and there are shops that will do anything to make a buck. A famous customizer in the early '60s cut up a Maserati racecar (one of 3 built)  to make a hot rod. He scrapped the Weber equipped V-12.... I used to have a photo of an XKE with Cadillac tailfins carefully grafted on. And for those with strong stomachs, there's the Odd Goose.....

I agree with everything said. However, a customer brought his car to Dave to work his magic and pay him accordingly.

The customer should have known better to start out with a garbage donor car instead of destroying a solid car (I did cringe at the thought of all that good metal being trashed). Again, if he has the money give him what he wants.

FWIW - I had the opportunity to meet Dave at the Woodward Cruise several years ago - we spent some time talking about cars  - he is a very personable guy and I do love his work.

....OK, so I was off a teeny tiny $100K plus or minus another $100K,  on my project cost  guesstimate.....watching too many cheap assed home improvement shows with the wife....has my entire outlook on car projects distorted!!! 

I also think that being a solely Mangusta owner has given me a jaded edge at looking at our cars...with the GOose being so low a survivor from original production, putting any of the remains back on the road for one of those cars is great and I spent/spend a lot of time encouraging others to do so!     Now, Goose is out of the picture and owning a Pantera leaves me with some of the same thinking still in the picture!

Then there's the ol' "ya can fix anything" way of thinking too, which I think my father instilled in me a bit!!!!  Even rust!   Hate rust.......

Good comments by all!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!

For most billionaires a $100k pantera is viewed the way most would see a $100 car. No big deal.

I also did not like watching them chop it to pieces but was in awe of the metal fab those guys do. Absolute artists.

looking forward to seeing the finished product. Hopefully EBJ will bring it to the Tutto Italiano at Larz Anderson when it is done.

Kindig always seems to "start" with an original car and then cut.  I wonder if that is because the original Pantera s/n and i.d. is retained and the owner can continue to say "it's an original 71 P" and Kindig's approach is to always use an original car as the basis - just his approach to customizing I guess.  Having flared my car to Gp IV, I am not in a position to throw stones as we that have modified our cars are only different shades apart.  I do agree with the comment that it "seems" Pantera's as a marque have had a fair amount of heavy customization by their owners as opposed to say the Ferrari or Lamborghini crowd, I assume because until recently, the cars were relatively inexpensive / unwanted relative to the other Italian marques.  Perhaps that is changing now.  

At the end of the day, the Pantera is not a super low production car. If they had carved up a Goose I think I would be more upset. Considering how many cars we have saved that probably should have made it to the great car heap in the sky it doesn’t bother me that much. And considering how customized many Pantera owners have modified their cars I guess I thought folks would have been less angry (probably too strong a word, maybe miffed). Reminds me of some of the feedback Stanceworks gets for carving up the 308. At the very least I like to see the discussion on the board!!

Granted that there is a degree of hypocrisy about the entire scenario but as soon as I heard who was going to do what to a Pantera, it's not surprising where it went and wound up as?

Some think it is ok for them to "modify" the car and not others?

I suppose if it was a Mustang coupe it wouldn't even be worthy of a mention?

"C'est La Vie" say the 'old folks, goes to show  you never can tell?"

I just saw these First episode - had to purchase from Prime. It made me nauseous. So 1. They say 72, but looks like a 71 - Anyone? Anyone? 2. Do we know the VIN? 3. I hope he kept all that beautiful stock metal. 4. Was it a dash 1? & where did the power plant go?  My car came out of update New York & I would’ve gladly traded cars.  That said after this car is finished, my stock Pantera is worth more as the supply just went down 1 car.

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