I want to replace some of the weatherstipping in the Mangusta engine compartment; anyone know about the piece under the forward edge of the gull wings (immediately behind the roof and the doors).
Any photos of what is correct, or a good description? What I have now has a chrome-like section next to it, I am not sure if it is correct.
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Thanks for the pictures! From what I can tell, it looks like the pictured Goose has the same or similar engine compartment weatherstripping to what mine has- a soft black rubber section and a chrome-like section attached next to it.
I say chrome-like as it appears to be a very thin papery material that looks like chrome.
Does yours extend over both sides of the engine compartment as well (over the wheel arches to the rear of the car)? Or is it just the chrome piece that fits over this area?
...I don't have '1046 anymore (and wish I'd taken a lot more pictures), but yes, there is weather stripping all around the front and sides of the engine bay, none on the spine and the rear. Working the way from right behind the seats;
1. there is the strip that runs from drivers side to passengers.
2. the seal is provided on the engine cover between the rear firewall and the arch beginning, and then again from the arch end to the rear of the engine cover (on both sides). The lower body in this section has the vinyl-chrome type of edging.
3. there was no weatherstripping on the rear.
..the mystery (and maybe I'm reading in too much here), I suppose this is a picture from the parts manual for the car, which suggests (bold line) that there would be a weatherstrip running along the rear of the lower body against the engine covers. But I don't see any way to fasten this, so I'd bet that the picture of 1046 was as-shipped...

From my poor knowledge of Italian
item 14 rubber seal
item 15 sponge seal
item 16 aluminium plastic seal
I can say from first hand knowledge 8MA1244 only had short pieces of the aluminium plastic seal (oversized door edge guards)
and 8MA1114 has only the full side lengths of the aluminium trims
So, it sounds like :
1- the body from drivers to passenger side around fire wall is as pictured in the diagram (and pics of 1046) - both rubber seal and aluminum trim together
2- the first 8 inches or so on the lower body from the front to the latching plate is just aluminum trim and no rubber seal
3- the lower body from over the arches to the rear is EITHER a) rubber seal with no aluminum trim OR b) just aluminum trim and no rubber seal
4- the side edges of the gullwings have only rubber seal except for arch sections which have nothing.
So, did I get it right?
So, where do we source this aluminum plastic trim stuff?
An aside, what is the string/fabric featured prominently in the top right quadrant of the photo at the top of this page?
quote:Originally posted by vyprgt2:
Very interesting, guys...
So, it sounds like :
1- the body from drivers to passenger side around fire wall is as pictured in the diagram (and pics of 1046) - both rubber seal and aluminum trim together
2- the first 8 inches or so on the lower body from the front to the latching plate is just aluminum trim and no rubber seal
3- the lower body from over the arches to the rear is EITHER a) rubber seal with no aluminum trim OR b) just aluminum trim and no rubber seal
4- the side edges of the gullwings have only rubber seal except for arch sections which have nothing.
So, did I get it right?
1-3 sound good but I'm confused with #4. Assuming the 'gullwings' are the main rear body sections, I see how their inner edges have seals which contact the steel spine they hinge from. How many separate rubber seals are on each rear gullwing? I'd guess 3 separate pieces - one long piece against the spine and 2 shorter pieces along the outboard (opposite) edge, split by the wheel arch - but that could easily be wrong!
FWIW this is what 1010 had sealing the passenger compartment bulkhead (same material seen in one of Lee's photos). It was glued to a neoprene spacer which raised the seal to where it needed to be. The strip of neoprene was roughly 1/4 x 3/4" in cross section. Two layers of neoprene strip actually were used on the vertical sections of the seal, near the door frames, apparently to fill some extra gap. Not sure this an OEM arrangement but it does appear consistent with the factory trim diagram. No plastic/chrome edging on 1010 but the rivet holes are there.
1- the body from drivers to passenger side around fire wall is as pictured in the diagram (and pics of 1046) - both rubber seal and aluminum trim together
2- the first 8 inches or so on the lower body from the front to the latching plate and then another short section from the rear of the latching plate to wheel well is just aluminum trim and no rubber seal
3- the lower body from over the arches to the rear is rubber seal with no aluminum trim
4- the side edges of the gullwing engine covers have only rubber seal except for arch sections which have nothing.

I have no "sponge" bulb type (hollow circle over flat mounting surface... that Nate shows on his flip up front engine cover edge) on my front horizontal body area to seal against the hatches at the gas tank or storage area, or either area at the rear near battery and jack storage.
I DO have 3/8" to 1/2" "hollow sponge" seals on the hatches on the front horizontal areas only where they come up against the body. None on the rear hatch areas.....
I have no seal across the tail lamp panel area, on the body or the hatches.
I do have a "hollow bulb sponge" seal across the "up and over" hatch to body sealing area above/around the rear cabin glass area. This is a larger version of the small pieces that are used in the front lower hatch edges.
I do have the plastic chrome-ish door edge guard in two pieces at the side horizontal hatch ares, and up and over the cabin rear window area as someone else illustrated above.
If you get a JC Whitney catalog and look on page 77 *roughly! in the Weatherstripping section Exterior Car, or look at it online, you will see a small section for "Replacement Sponge Rubber Weatherstripping....Stick On Installation." Item #2 is a bulb style listed as dimension A=11/16" (Width I believe) and dimension B=5/8" (Height I think)
If you check out item #3, a laying down D sort of shape, I have a mark next to this, but no note telling me what for..... I'm thinking that this could either be the seal for the engine hinged front cover or could be used for the up and over seal as an alternative. What bothers me is dim A=3/8" and dim B=5/8"...that doesn't seem right. I just looked at some of this that another local Gooser gave me, left over from his car...and it seems more like 3/4" to 7/8" wide by 5/8" tall. Again, lying down D sponge bulb style. Adhesive on flat side.....
There is also some PUSH ON TRIM WEATHERSTRIP that looks like it would work for the bulb seal at the hood to the radiator cover cross piece. Check out item #5. "Full top edge bulb" has A=11/16" and B=5/8" This seems tooo big... Good thing they mail out samples if you ask!
There is also a mark in my book next to #9 which is a "Side edge bulb (large)" with A=3/4" and B=3/4". This has the "clip" (metal reinforced- listed at 9/16" high by 1/2" wide...may be on the large side???) section on the side of the bulb, (where #5 has the clip on the bottom) and looks like it could be used for door opening seals, where the seal clips onto the body and then the door compresses the bulb against the metal clip area...
Check out the pictures and you will see what I mean. I hope.
JC Whitney is probably not the only game in town for this stuff....just what I was told and what I found.....
I would guess that if you came across an old Fiat or Alfa dealer, that they could have some of these bits in the original style!
Thinking this might be an option for those looking for 'plastic chrome' strip:
woolies chrome edge
Looks good but not sure how well it would go around the corners (at either side of the passenger compartment, especially). Any other ideas on this one?!
It looks like the tough part is the seal that goes around the wheel arches. Re-originals does not appear to have a match, nor Metro or Steel rubber products.

It was clipped over the flange and pop riveted on the ends with a very small pop rivet to keep it in place.
Dick Ruzzin
The rivets have been present on each car I have seen.
do you see GOLD anywhere else on the Mangusta?
Dick Ruzzin.
but it was longer.
I think you will find it at mylar trim suppliers as they make many snap on and glue on extruded plastic trim pieces.
It looks like the tough part is the seal that goes around the wheel arches. Re-originals does not appear to have a match, nor Metro or Steel rubber products>>
I have been hunting for small pieces of the edge guard- the ones at auto parts stores and ebay do not have enough height to them. Maybe the woolies is right?
I am getting confused re-reading all these posts- seems that some say the lift up gullwings have rubber weatherstripping on their horizontal edges, others say no...?
Is the consensus, that the lift up gullwings have weatherstripping except the wheel arch areas?
quote:Originally posted by LeeA:
more detail of the attachment of the arch weatherstripping, this is viewed on the passenger's side near by the gas tank
This "double hump" wheel arch weatherstripping is (I think) all I still need- anyone found a source for it?
sounds like it would help.
Does this look like a match for the weatherstrip over the wheelhouse? Used on Ghibli door... https://www.maseratinet.com/p-...eal-ghibli-door.aspx
Or maybe http://reoriginals.com/c2.aspx C2