I have never had an issue with valves not seating fresh from the shop.
I did have issue with one shop when I discovered that they were only doing one cut on the valves and seats and I was paying them for a three angle.
After that I bought my own equipment, and do my own. I even do the valve guides as well.
None of it is difficult, but it is time consuming.
I have done leak down tests on fresh rebuild straight from the shop. There I let the shop do all the machining and I do the assembly.
Fresh short blocks always show leakages. That is to be expected.
Your cylinders look good.
I have heard the term, "warped valves" before but I still don't know what that means on fresh seats?
It is a good idea to hand lap the valves as Marlin suggested but I have never had an issue with Sioux equipment.
This isn't necessarily very complicated. I could have high school kids doing "valves" in not much time.
The issue is being conscientious. It helps to be "nerdy". The work is not for "hot dogs" at all.
While the head is out, why don't you "cc" the combustion chambers?