Then my imagination started working(uh oh..) and I thought if I am changing the inlet pipe, gutting and changing the internal ducting and changing the rusted resonator tips the only thing I am using is the can body.
Hmmm with some simple forms I could make my own can bodies I have a bead roller so I can put ribs in them for strength build internal ducting weld on some tips………(insert snowball getting larger and larger here)
I realize this would add a bunch of work to the project. Maybe it would be better just to use the existing cans to keep it simple.
Since when has any part of my project been kept simple?.......

I believe there are two problems with the typical ANSA system, the Inlet tube diameter and internal baffle architecture and sizing.
I have both a New GTS set and the used US based L model set for comparison.
The U.S based L model system is a joke. It has a 1 3/4 tailpipe entering the can and exiting through two 1 1/2 I.D. resonators.
Probably not a very good flowing system.
The GTS system is a little better. The inlet pipe is actually a odd size and measures 2 3/8 O.D. The resonators are a slightly different design than the L system and have a ID of 1 9/16.
Johnny Woods did some work on a GTS ANSA system.
Here is that thread.Great work here. had been PMing Johnny questions about the internal baffling dimensions.
It was interesting, he told me that at the inlet entrance the 2 3/8 tube is actually necked down to 2 inches through the inlet perforated tube.
In his opinion the exhaust exiting through the necked down perforated tube into the small perforated inlet tube of the resonators was the largest restriction. He felt that the area of the two resonators was sufficient to the inlet size but the perforated tubing was by size and routing the restriction in that design
I did some area comparisons out of curiosity.
On the US made ANSA the areas are:
Inlet of 1 3/4 has a square inch area of 2.142
The two 1 1/2 resonators have a combined area of 3.086.
The statement can be made that the mufflers capacity to exit exhaust is greater than the tailpipe can introduce based on in/out areas alone.
GTS Muffler
Inlet of 2 3/8 has a area of 4.070
Necked down to two inches the area is 2.840
The combined resonator outlet has a area of 3.354
The same statement can be made again that the exiting area is greater than the inlet area.
What I am thinking of building is this configuration.
Inlet 2.5 inches area 4.529
Internal V shaped baffling out of two 2 inch od perforated tubes area 5.68
exiting into 2 ¼ inlet 3 inch outlet tips
I feel that the ability of this design to exit is greater than the inlet area
I believe using ANSA resonator tips might be a restriction.
*All areas were calculated as .049 wall tubing.