...sorry not necessary. It was a legitimate question. I welcome them. You remind me, that a Open Louver set is absolutely Doable.
I wanted to keep the Beams Whole to maintain rigidity.
When That no Longer matters...I can Split the Beams At the Space Between Slats #'s 1 and 2, and machine a very nice Pivot Point, there.
Then all You have to do, to open is, Pull the (2) Quick Disconnect Pins in the rear yokes and Raise Up! But to Access those QD Pins, one must first remove the #5 Louver, But I Like the Design and May do it on the next System. I would drop the Yokes and QD Pins, and go with a Electric Release, Electro-Magnet. Great Ideas.
I'm adding 3 photos, 2 Looking out the Back Window. Looking closely one can see the 'Knurled Thumb Nuts' 12 in All (6 each side), along the passenger side Rail. Infinite adjustment possible, pivoting on the Forward Screw. Then Lock. Can also be seen, the Analog Fuel Pressure Gauge. You Never want to bring Gasoline into the Cockpit.*
3rd Pic...welcome to My Office. You Don't Climb into this cockpit...You Slip It On!
*But You CAN bring in this Gauge, a Digital RED LED Fuel Pressure Monitor (about 1 inch thick). I read 5.1 PSIG while cruizing on the Freeways. Sourced at the Regulator mounted directly to a Holley Electric High Pressure Pump. The Regulator has a return line back to the Tank. So the Pump Never Stalls, Never stops. I suppose the recirculating of gasoline around and back to the tank could cause it to heat up, I never had Vapor Lock, No Problems.