It is difficult to explain exactly all of the positive changes that the EPS system makes. I personally think that it is a very worthwhile addition to make.
The variable boost control is from Bruno in Portugal. It really is a very clever addition. Probably in fact genius.
The manual control, potentiometer (turn knob) is also from Bruno for that matter.
You do not NEED the automatic version per se, but it just makes the EPS that much better and that much more sophisticated. It's worth the extra cost.
If you already have an EPS installed with the manual control, you can replace it with the automatic version easily. It is just a plug in.
My initial concern with the installation of any EPS, was the degree of cutting needed on the Pantera, and the loss of foot room. As it turns out, neither is an issue although It does depend on which EPS unit, the system that you are going to use is based upon.
Mine is based on the Toyota Yaris, but not just anyone. A right hand drive version is what it is. That locates the motor in just the correct orientation to avoid the Pantera's electrical wiring and controls on the right side of the steering column.
The left hand drive Yaris motor would be the mirror image, but exactly reversed and would be a "no can do" in a Pantera without major relocation of Pantera harness components.
In fact, it fits the Pantera so well it suspiciously appears as though it was designed for the Pantera.
Heck. There are "stories" of the US being in possession of crashed "Alien" space vehicles and "reverse engineering", i.e., stealing that technology. So if they can do it, why can't we do it with Toyota?
The power of the Yaris motor is also well matched to the size of the Pantera, so that it is not too powerful for the Panera. Some of the US based motors are simply because they are intended for much larger and heavier vehicles.
Furthermore, Bruno's controllers are based upon the Toyota EPS system since as it turns out, Bruno is the original designer of it for Toyota.
So to all of you who are reading this who don't really understand any of what I am saying because it is too technical and over your heads, bottom line is, you will not be disappointed in having an EPS system in your Pantera and it will be especially effective if you have gone to the Group4/GT5 10" wide wheels in the front, since it will virtually eliminate all the existing steering wheel chatter that you have that is really caused by bad, non correctable front steering geometry on the wide fender cars.
The Pantera accepts the EPS exceptionally well and for sure would have been original equipment in the car when it was new, if it existed then. With the variable boost control module, the car has EXACTLY the right feel at ALL speeds.
I personally would caution all about using a "fast steering gear" with EPS since it may make the car too responsive for an average driver and the plain fact that with EPS, you simply will not need it.
This is a million dollars or more's worth of development technology that you are getting for what turns out to be a very reasonable price. The "how to" is being shared with you for free.
If you get one, buy one, or make one, you cannot go wrong but be warned, the foot box is tight under there and you cannot drive the car wearing snow skis. You must take those off. Just so you should know. Don't say that I didn't warn you!